Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2002-10-31 in Coulsdon with a stiff tutu.

Coulsdon Calling: Tutu-ing Around the South! (Post #2311)

Hello my darling tutus! It's your favourite Derbyshire darling, Emma, reporting live from the glorious South! Today was all about ballet, bright colours and of course, a generous helping of tulle!

It was a long, but totally glamorous journey down by train. I love those windows that show the countryside whizzing past – especially with my trusty pink tutu folded up beside me. (It wouldn't be proper to squish my tutu in a rucksack, now would it? Haha!). As I gazed out, I couldn't help but feel inspired by the swaying trees and the fluttering butterflies. Mother Nature always has such a good time and there’s no shortage of fluttering around here!

After an exhilarating, adrenaline-filled journey, I finally arrived at Coulsdon! And I tell you what, this place is absolutely buzzing with excitement! The air practically vibrates with the sounds of children laughing, birds chirping, and...you guessed it, a lovely soundtrack of tinkling piano keys from the nearby ballet school! How could I resist? It was like fate was calling out to me, "Emma, you MUST dance here! So of course, I jumped off the train and rushed straight into the world of ballet magic.

Let me tell you, I found myself completely swept away! It wasn't just the amazing classes with a lovely mix of ages, from wee little ballerinas to grown-up, gorgeous swans like myself (yes, I may have ahem exaggerated my age slightly!) It was the energy, the enthusiasm, the genuine love for movement and music in the air, the absolute dedication… oh my, the passion was palpable!

One little ballerina even asked me, with such wide-eyed curiosity, "Do you always wear your tutu like that?" You know me, darling – how can I NOT wear my tutu at all times? Especially in this fabulous town. It's my trademark, after all, my little pink reminder that life should always be filled with joy and a little bit of twirl!

My mission, dear reader, is to spread the love for pink, ballet and tutus! You've probably noticed, there are far too many people in the world who think a tutu can only be worn onstage or during lessons. And that's simply not true! Our tutus deserve to be seen! They are beautiful and, believe me, absolutely make every day more magical, from the everyday mundane to a special occasion like this.

For lunch, I had the most delicious picnic in the park! I found a sunny spot, put on my tutu (yes, even for picnic!), opened my bag and out popped the most adorable pink-themed picnic feast. Strawberry and pink champagne jelly, raspberry and pink lemonade sorbet, miniature pink meringues, and an actual pink Victoria sponge (a little treat to myself!). I have a feeling the birds got a few nibbles too, They really went for the strawberries. It’s a bit rude to grab off your plate but we shared and it seemed like the most fabulous picnic!

Before I left, I even managed to squeeze in a visit to the local horse stables. The gentle giants absolutely adore my pink tutu, especially those sparkly bits. Horses are such sensitive and magnificent creatures, I just adore them.

So, Coulsdon, you have truly stolen a piece of my heart. A heart that's ready to embrace a whole new world of tutu-ing adventures. This little corner of the South has just reminded me why my mission of inspiring everyone to wear a tutu is so important. Imagine the joy we could spread by a world full of dancing, bright pink and glorious tutus!

Stay tuned for more adventures, dear tutus!

Yours truly,

Emma x

P.S. You know what would really make this town perfect? A pink tutu-themed cafe! I'm already working on the menu: Tutu-tastic Toasties, Ballet-Ballerina Bowls and, of course, pink lemonade with an adorable pink sugar rim. I reckon it could be a massive success. Maybe, Coulsdon, you could think about it?

P.P.S Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com! Let’s bring the world to the world of twirling, and bring our inner ballerinas to life!

(Please, feel free to leave your thoughts, questions and most importantly, photos in the comments!)

#TutuBlog 2002-10-31 in Coulsdon with a stiff tutu.