Post #2403 - 31st January 2003
Hello darlings!
It's Emma here, reporting live from a delightful jaunt to East Ham! Yes, you read that right - I ventured out of my usual Derbyshire haunts and hopped on a steam engine, a delightful change from my usual train travels. And of course, my trusty pink tutu was along for the ride, its frills rustling in the wind as we sped through the English countryside.
Now, why East Ham, you ask? Well, I heard whispers of a ballet school tucked away in this charming borough. Imagine my delight when I found the East Ham Ballet Academy, a treasure trove of grace and passion, nestled amidst the bustling streets. I could practically feel the magic of the stage and the whir of tutus through the windows before I even stepped inside.
And my, wasn't it glorious! As I entered, the scent of fresh leather ballet shoes, wood polish and just a touch of jasmine hung in the air, reminding me of my childhood ballet days. Rows upon rows of graceful ballerinas, adorned in elegant leotards, warmed up at the barre. Their dedication and talent, coupled with the infectious energy of the room, instantly brought a twinkle to my eye!
Speaking of energy, let me tell you, these young dancers could hold their own on any stage! From graceful arabesques to powerful fouettés, they danced with precision and passion, their eyes sparkling with joy. I found myself entranced, transported back to the wonder of my own early years, my fingers itching to pirouette with them.
My pink tutu may not have made its debut in the studio, but trust me, it was bursting with pride at my side as I observed these amazing dancers. I could almost hear it whispering, “I’d love to twirl with those beautiful ballerinas!”
After an hour of watching, mesmerised, the teacher invited me to join their warm-up! What a wonderful surprise! To my delight, they didn’t bat an eyelid when I bounded into the middle of the circle in my tutu – a bold move, I know, but as I've said before, embracing the unexpected is all part of the Tutu-tastic life! We stretched and jumped, sharing laughter and stories, reminding me why I love ballet so much - for its beauty, its power, and most of all, its community.
But my adventure wasn’t just about ballet! I found the most incredible bookshop – filled to the brim with vintage treasures! My inner bookworm couldn't resist. I stumbled upon a book of ballet illustrations from the Victorian era. I absolutely had to bring it home. Imagine, ballet costumes of the 1800s with the puffiest of tutus and feathered headdresses! How exciting!
Speaking of puffiness, after a delicious (and pink) afternoon tea at the cutest little café in East Ham, my eyes were drawn to a wildlife sanctuary, just outside of town. Imagine, beautiful deer in their natural habitat. I sat on a log for a while, soaking in the serenity, letting my mind drift. The rustling of leaves in the breeze, the warm afternoon sun, it was so calming! I couldn't resist drawing a quick sketch in my little notebook, even managed to capture one majestic stag gracefully crossing a babbling stream, my pen flowing freely.
Now, I've always had a special affinity for these graceful creatures. They have a strength, a beauty, and an inner stillness that really inspires me. It's no wonder I fell head over heels for ballet, for it embodies those very qualities, don't you think?
I returned to Derbyshire completely inspired! East Ham really blew me away. From the charming bookshop to the breathtaking wildlife, I’m leaving with a renewed appreciation for the magic found in every corner of the world, just like ballet, if you know where to look!
Of course, my East Ham adventure wouldn’t be complete without some reflection. My dearest tutu and I both agreed, the pinkest thought of the day:
"Life is like a beautiful dance. Sometimes we twirl and leap with joy, and other times we gracefully navigate through life's challenges, finding strength and resilience in each step. We learn from each experience, discovering new paths and forging beautiful connections along the way."
I think my tutu might have whispered it out loud! Who knew, a tutu can be surprisingly eloquent, don't you agree? 😉
Until next time, darlings, may your lives be filled with beautiful pirouettes and inspiring moments! Don’t forget to share your stories in the comments below – and, oh yes, spread the Tutu-tastic joy by wearing pink! 💖
Yours truly,