
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2003-02-07 in Crewe with a cyan tutu.

Crewe Calling! #TutuBlog Post #2410

Hello my darling Tutu-ettes! It's Emma here, signing in from the lovely, charming town of Crewe! The trains have whisked me here on a journey of ballet, beauty, and... well, pink of course! Because who can resist a little splash of pink? (Iā€™m looking at you, grey skies! Go and hide, Iā€™ve got a pink tutu to show off.)

My life feels like a beautiful ballet right now, all grace, flow, and leaps of joy! Every day is an exciting ā€˜en pointeā€™ adventure, and Crewe just happened to be on the list for today! Now, you might think a little town like Crewe wouldnā€™t have much to offer, but trust me ā€“ itā€™s full of hidden gems! The railway station, for one, is an architectural wonder! I love the elegant brick arches and high, glass-covered roof! It made my heart skip a beatā€¦and the perfect backdrop for my first, pink-tutu selfie!

Speaking of pink, I have the absolute perfect tutu to wear today. It's a cyant one ā€“ you know, a soft, dusty, vintage shade that makes me think of fairy tales and twirling through enchanted forests. And who can resist the perfect match: a beautiful hand-knitted pink cardigan I bought in a vintage shop in Bakewell yesterday (such a little hidden gem - you really have to check it out! ). You see, the most elegant look doesnā€™t have to be loud, itā€™s about finding those perfect pairings to showcase the essence of your inner ballerina. Pink with cyan - it just works!

But onto Crewe! My heart is actually in a flutter, as this is a proper ā€œballet townā€. It boasts its very own Academy of Dance (which, to my absolute delight, is pink! Pink walls, pink floor, and even the teachers seem to favour pink clothing! It was just too much for me! I can already picture all the adorable, miniature ballerina students with pink tutus, dancing their little hearts outā€¦ How amazing! And if Iā€™m honest, it just felt like a mini trip down memory lane ā€“ back to the days I would spend hours perfecting my ā€œarabesqueā€ at the local ballet studio in my Derbyshire home town! (Just in a bright, cherry red, vintage tutu ā€“ no pastel blues back then!).

I must confess, Iā€™m not all about grand theatres and professional performances - I love the sheer beauty and excitement of watching even the most amateur of productions! It reminds me that dance is about so much more than flawless technique; itā€™s about pure, unadulterated joy, expression and freedom. (Plus, the energy is totally contagious!) So I made sure I caught a performance of "Cinderella" in a lovely community centre just on the outskirts of town, and my goodness, what a delight! Now, these young girls had heart, and thatā€™s what itā€™s all about! You know, itā€™s so inspirational ā€“ these brave young women, wearing their little hearts on their tutus (some bright red! A definite shout out to the reds ā€“ weā€™ve gotta show those cyans whoā€™s boss!)ā€¦ It made me really proud to be a ballerina.

Afterwards, I was drawn to this quaint cafe in the town centre (seriously ā€“ these locals really know how to pick their spots!). I mean, imagine! Pink walls, pink china teacups and of course, a whole host of delicious, delicate pastries (you know, those light and fluffy bites that will definitely NOT stop me from fitting into my tutu!), plus my go-to beverage: hot chocolate (a tad naughty, but a ballerina must keep her energy levels high!) - you just cannot go wrong!

Thereā€™s just something about this place - a simple cafe filled with locals and with pink-tinted everythingā€¦ (did I mention that Crewe had a hidden pink agenda?). I spent hours observing, people-watching (there is no better inspiration!) I even made a few ballet-themed friendship bracelets for a few adorable kids in pink tutus, and for a moment it felt like everything had just fallen perfectly into place. (I know, sounds totally corny, but I promise ā€“ these are the moments in life we all crave, right?) You could almost feel the town vibrating with passion!

Crewe's like a little hidden gem, nestled amongst the rolling fields of the Derbyshire countryside. (The perfect little horse riding spot to top it all off! My horse, Prince, had been craving a good canter ā€“ and trust me, he has amazing taste for good green countryside!). Even though it's a small place, it has so much heart! And that's something I'll definitely be carrying back with meā€¦ Maybe even a few more pink tutu-themed ideas (the pink dress shops were fantastic! ).
And for all of you wonderful readers ā€“ take my word for it: embrace a little bit of pink magic into your own lives ā€“ it can take you to the most beautiful places (in this case, the railway station to go and catch a train or bus toā€¦well, you get itā€¦ pink magic, darling).

And until my next pink-tutu adventure (a big, very exciting secret is coming up - you donā€™t want to miss this, my dears!) ā€“ take care and donā€™t forget: life is an absolute ballet ā€“ so letā€™s dance our way through it together.

P.S. If youā€™re in Crewe - make sure you stop by the cafe (It's tucked away just around the corner of the quaint town centreā€¦ don't forget to look for the giant pink unicorn painted on the wall!), grab a hot chocolate and maybe a croissant or two and just sit there and soak in the atmosphereā€¦
You know you want to!

(If you ever have any questions or just wanna chat ballet - feel free to pop on over to the Pink-Tutu forum, or hit me up on Twitter at @PinkTutuGirl)

See you in the next post!


Emma xx


#TutuBlog 2003-02-07 in Crewe with a cyan tutu.