
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2003-12-18 in Hampstead with a yellow tutu.

Hampstead Heaven in a Yellow Tutu šŸ©°

Post Number: 2724

Hello my darling tutu-lovers!

It's your girl Emma, back with another dazzling post, straight from the heart of London! You see, I can't just post from the confines of my flat in Derbyshire, darling, my pink tutu wouldn't get enough exposure. And let's face it, you all need that little dose of pink tutu positivity to brighten your day, don't you?

So, today I find myself in the most charming corner of London - Hampstead! I just adore this neighbourhood, with its quaint streets, the sound of birds chirping amongst the ancient trees, and of course, the gorgeous Hampstead Heath. Oh, itā€™s like a scene from a ballet! And what a perfect setting for a twirl or two in my latest creation, my sunshine yellow tutu! It's simply radiant against the emerald green of the trees.

As usual, Iā€™ve arrived in style - train journeys are truly my happy place! It's just so much more charming than being crammed into a car with smelly, sweaty humans. Donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s nothing more lovely than riding horseback - just you and your steed making a dramatic entrance in front of the Royal Albert Hall ā€“ but the train is perfect for solo tutu outings. Plus, I always spot the most interesting characters, inspiration for my next ballerina character!

My little trip started in the beautiful Camden Market, just a hop and skip away. You simply have to stop by if you're in London. I picked up the most divine pink flamingo earrings for a splash of colour in my outfit. (Everything needs a little extra pink, right?) I managed to score a vintage scarf as well - it's actually made of vintage ballet tutus, can you imagine? I simply canā€™t wait to find some inspiration for an outfit around it.

I then sauntered over to the grand Royal Opera House for some much needed ballet fix. What can I say? Even with all the travels, nothing makes me truly happy than witnessing the beauty and the emotion of a good performance. My darling, the emotion in each plieĢ, the way the ballerina seems to soar over the stageā€¦ a masterpiece of expression and grace! Honestly, everyone should experience the joy of ballet. It's magical, itā€™s uplifting, itā€™sā€¦ Pink tutu pink!

Of course, I had to get a quick ballet lesson in at the Pineapple Dance Studios after! My little feet are just aching to move after a whole day ofā€¦ wellā€¦ simply existing, haha! Honestly, sometimes it feels like just staying up right takes the strength of a ballerina! So much poise, such grace. That's what weā€™re all aiming for, isnā€™t it? Not to be just beautiful, but to embody elegance in our everyday lives! And you know what helps with that? You guessed it! Tutu time! Itā€™s a confidence booster, it brings the little girl in us all out to play, it brings some colour into this dull worldā€¦ what more could you want?

After my session, I wandered through Hampstead Heath, itā€™s such a lovely expanse of green. A truly royal park. There were so many birds flitting around. Do you know I just love birds, theyā€™re the feathered princesses of nature, all so dainty and gracefulā€¦ like little ballerinas! Thereā€™s something really majestic about the wild beauty of a falcon swooping down and taking flight. Don't you just love the freedom of wild birds? They get to wear what they want (oh! to have such feathers!), and just soar about wherever they choose. Such a life. But for now, Hampstead is my haven, this yellow tutu my wings, and Iā€™m ready to take flight through London!

Now, before I leave, I want to ask YOU - *What's your favorite thing about Hampstead? And do you dance? Even just a little twirl in the kitchen? Tell me all about your life in a tutu! I wanna hear about your most colourful ballet dreams, darling. *

I'll be back soon, my lovely little tutu followers, with more pink inspiration!

And remember, you can always find me online at www.pink-tutu.com for daily inspiration!



#TutuBlog 2003-12-18 in Hampstead with a yellow tutu.