
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2004-09-24 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.

Bridgwater Calling! Pink Tutu on the Move (Post #3005)

Hello my darling darlings! It's Emma here, and guess what? I'm finally back from my latest adventure! I know, I know, you're probably thinking "Emma, how can you possibly squeeze another adventure in between your ballet classes, rehearsals, and, of course, daily blog posts?" Well, let me tell you, it all boils down to two things: planning and a pinch of pink-tutu magic.

This week's jaunt took me all the way to Bridgwater! You know, that quaint little town down in Somerset? It felt like I was travelling back in time – so charming, so peaceful, and just the perfect setting for a dose of ballet inspiration.

But hold on, before I go on about the sights and sounds of Bridgwater, let's talk about the mode of transport, shall we? Remember that horse-drawn carriage I promised you I'd try for my next adventure? Well, guess what? My dream came true! This time, no trains for me, just a jaunty little ride on a beautifully decorated carriage, driven by a cheery chap with a proper handlebar moustache. Talk about a fairytale start to my trip!

As I rolled into Bridgwater, a gorgeous, vibrant town with more history than you can shake a tutu at, I knew this trip would be a real treat. I popped into a cute little cafe right in the town square for a spot of tea and cake. Naturally, I had to sport my new pink tutu, with delicate lace detailing and little sparkly embellishments, just for the occasion! I love it when people compliment my style – and even more so when they see the tutu and tell me about their own ballet experiences.

My day in Bridgwater wouldn't be complete without some proper ballet magic! I wandered around the town until I found a delightful little dance studio. Now, I've tried a few classes here and there – from contemporary to ballroom, you name it – but this studio specialised in... wait for it… ballet on horseback. Yep, you heard me right! Ballet… on horseback.

Don't get me wrong, I love my ballet classes with proper shoes and a proper studio, but there's something truly exhilarating about balancing on a majestic creature, all while executing your pirouettes! Talk about a real challenge! Of course, I donned my sparkly pink tutu for the occasion - the horse, quite a handsome chestnut with a kind face, seemed to appreciate the extra pizazz. We even posed for a few pictures together – a real pink-tutu queen and her equally elegant steed!

While I wasn't there to see a performance, the studio had been buzzing with energy, excitement, and a touch of magic. I found myself captivated by the rhythmic sounds of hooves, the graceful movements, and the sheer joy radiating from the dancers. They were like modern-day centaurs, perfectly in tune with their steeds. It truly inspired me! I might just have to add horse-riding ballet to my regular routine - but don't worry, I'll make sure to share all the details with you, my dearest blog readers.

Later that evening, after a delicious dinner of fish and chips with a side of laughter, I stumbled upon a small open-air theatre showcasing a traditional British pantomime. And, what do you think? The leading lady was wearing a pink tutu, complete with glittery wings and feather boa! We're talking a classic pink-tutu extravaganza, with dramatic leaps, funny gags, and an infectious dose of theatricality. This was my Bridgwater fairy-tale come to life!

I returned to Derbyshire, my heart overflowing with inspiration, with a new dream – to bring a pink-tutu, horse-riding ballet performance to life! Wouldn't that be amazing? Imagine a magnificent show featuring elegant tutus, prancing steeds, and a dash of theatrical flair! It might be a long shot, but when it comes to pink tutus and ballet, I never give up!

But that's all for today, my loves. I have another full day of ballet class, rehearsals, and maybe even a bit of Tutu crafting ahead of me. Stay tuned for more pink-tutu adventures on www.pink-tutu.com. Until next time, keep twirling and don't forget, a pink tutu is just what you need to embrace life with grace and style!

Until tomorrow, darling darlings!


#TutuBlog 2004-09-24 in Bridgwater with a pancake tutu.