Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2005-01-02 in Leicester with a red tutu.

Leicester in a Red Tutu - Post #3105

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, reporting live from a rather splendid city with a touch of red on my toes - Leicester! It feels a bit cheeky to venture beyond the Derbyshire borders without a splash of pink, but you know me - I’m always ready to break the mould, even when it comes to my beloved colour palette! 😉

This week's adventures started with a jaunty train ride to this charming city. I do love train journeys. They offer a sense of adventure and quiet introspection – perfect for working on my pliés while catching up on a good book. It was like stepping back in time, all plush velvet seats and gentle rattling – my inner child was thrilled.

Speaking of thrill, oh my, you just have to come to Leicester for a taste of the National Space Centre! It was a cosmic journey of awe and wonder! The sheer scale of the space exhibits left me utterly mesmerized, and those astronaut suits… well, let’s just say they were giving me serious ballet leotard envy! 💖

But of course, it wasn't all about space exploration. I have a weakness for old-fashioned beauty, so a visit to the majestic Leicester Cathedral was a must. Its elegant gothic arches and breathtaking stained-glass windows transported me to another era. I practically wanted to pirouette down the nave! (Though, I refrained, naturally, out of respect for the sacred space.)

As I strolled around, a delightful park nestled in the heart of Leicester caught my eye. Victoria Park is an absolute haven for green spaces and beautiful architecture! It's bursting with vibrant flora and fauna - a haven for nature lovers like me. I couldn't resist snapping a picture of the swan family gliding across the tranquil lake. Their grace and elegance inspired me for my next pointe work session, that’s for sure! 🦢

And what better way to end a whirlwind day in Leicester than with a performance at the fabulous Curve Theatre? I took in a captivating ballet piece, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The choreography was exquisite - a masterful blend of whimsical movement and emotive storytelling. I swear, I felt like I was falling down the rabbit hole with Alice myself! It was all about grace, energy, and telling a story - exactly what my ballet dreams are made of!

Speaking of dreams, one thing that strikes me as I wander these historic streets is how they echo with the dreams and aspirations of generations past. Leicester has witnessed its fair share of historic moments, yet there’s this undeniable air of new beginnings and excitement about the future. I felt the same buzz back in Derbyshire recently, too, during my weekly ballet class! It’s almost as if everyone’s waking up to the beautiful possibility that awaits – and you know what I’m talking about: pink tutus and the grace of ballet for every single person!

Think about it, lovelies! Just imagine: a world where everyone is a little bit more graceful, a little more confident, a little more aware of the power of their own movement. Doesn’t that sound lovely?

Of course, you don’t have to go as far as Leicester to embrace that dream. In fact, it's already happening! There are ballet classes springing up in every corner of our wonderful country. The energy for ballet and everything it embodies is infectious - it’s like a joyous dance of individuality, where everyone gets to twirl their own way.

For me, personally, that feeling of inclusivity and acceptance is precisely what keeps me going. And it’s also what inspires me to wear my tutu - not just on stage or in class, but out and about, in all its pink, sparkly glory! Yes, even a bright red tutu for a special occasion! 💖

And, just as the beautiful, ancient town of Leicester holds onto its own past and embraces the future with open arms, we all can. There’s magic in ballet, a bit of sparkle and confidence. So get your dancing shoes on, find your pink tutu, and let's twirl into a better world, one step at a time. ✨

Until next time, lovelies,



#TutuBlog 2005-01-02 in Leicester with a red tutu.