Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-02-12 in Catford with a narrow tutu.

Catford Calling! A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #3511)

Oh, darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling blogger, Emma, reporting live from sunny Catford! That's right, folks, I traded in the cobbled streets of Derbyshire for the charmingly down-to-earth bustle of South East London.

And how did I travel, you ask? Well, obviously, a trusty steed wouldn't have been the most practical (although, I did momentarily dream of riding a unicorn across the English countryside!), so I opted for the ultimate romantic journey: a journey by train!

There's something undeniably magical about hurtling through the English countryside, watching the landscape morph into a blur of greens, browns and the occasional fluffy sheep. I almost wish I could travel by train everywhere! Almost!

Now, my trip to Catford wasn't solely for the whimsical delights of train travel, mind you! It was, of course, for a most important purpose: a performance by the glorious "Dance London" troupe at the local theatre. I couldn't resist an opportunity to witness the magic of ballet, and you know me, darlings, I never turn down a good tutu-filled spectacle!

But before the big night, I had to squeeze in a little ballet class, just to keep my pirouettes sharp, and my turnout perfectly aligned! I've found the most amazing little studio tucked away in a cobbled alley, and oh, the dancers there are simply fantastic. I almost forgot to pack my "Just Keep Twirling" water bottle in all the excitement, which, let me tell you, is a recipe for a disastrous chassé.

My time in the studio was filled with graceful movements and giggling fits. After all, what's more fun than perfecting your fouetté, especially when surrounded by fellow tutu enthusiasts? I may have even done a little twirl in a very narrow tutu for the sheer joy of it all. My fellow dancers may have laughed, but I tell you, I've never felt more alive!

Later that day, I took a delightful stroll through the quaint Catford market, just down the street from the theatre. The air was alive with the scent of fresh flowers and freshly-baked pastries. It's truly a delightful corner of London.

But nothing quite beats the sheer exhilaration of a ballet performance, now, does it? Oh, the magic! The music! The incredible stories told with every arabesque, every grand jeté, every fouetté! "Dance London" didn't disappoint. They absolutely killed it. I felt myself swept away by the grace and energy, my heart pounding in time to the music. They performed a stunning piece inspired by the ancient myths of the Greek pantheon. It was, quite frankly, phenomenal! I’ve never been so enchanted, and I'll be honest, I’m pretty sure I teared up during the final curtain call – it was simply that moving.

After the show, my inner fangirl (and my tummy!) led me to the charming cafe down the road, a little slice of Parisian bistro charm right there in Catford. It's just the type of place you would want to have your little pink tea parties. I even indulged in a delightful pink grapefruit lemonade! (You can’t blame a girl for wanting to match her surroundings!). I sat and scribbled away in my little pink notepad, making notes on all the magic I witnessed. The perfect way to finish the day.

My travels to Catford have left me positively inspired! It's a place of warmth, colour and, yes, it even has a distinct ballet flair to it! I feel incredibly lucky to have had this pink-hued adventure, and I think this little bit of Catford magic is definitely something to add to my memory bank, or should I say, my tutu-inspired memory scrapbook.

As for my quest to spread the pink tutu gospel? Well, I'll tell you, it's in full swing, darlings. I saw at least one brave soul rocking a little pink ribbon tied around their ballet shoes – you go, girl! And who knows, maybe by the next time I’m here in Catford, there will be a little pink tutu posse, ready to twirl the night away in a big, pink-tastic symphony of movement!

Until next time, my darlings, stay pink! Keep twirling, and never, ever let go of the joy of dance!

Lots of love,


P.S. My biggest fan, a delightful tabby cat called 'Mr. Whiskers', is busy taking a little nap in my favourite pink tutu-covered suitcase. I think I need to invest in a new one… maybe a slightly bigger one with plenty of space for extra pink frills!

#TutuBlog 2006-02-12 in Catford with a narrow tutu.