Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2006-09-14 in Bangor with a white tutu.

Bangor, My Tutu & A Touch of Pink! (Post #3725)

Hello lovelies!

It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, ready to whisk you away on another whimsical journey! Today, we're stepping off the train (yes, I'm a true railway romantic at heart) and into the beautiful city of Bangor, North Wales! The air here is crisp, the sky a vibrant blue, and the mood… well, you can guess! Pink, of course.

Now, I know some of you are thinking "Emma, how on earth did you manage to travel to Wales in a tutu?!" Well, my darlings, it was a bit of a challenge! My trusty steed, my trusty steed (that’s the horse!), unfortunately was not up for the trek, and even a train carriage can get a bit crowded with a tulle masterpiece trailing behind you. So, I employed my secret weapon – a chic pink backpack, lovingly emblazoned with a miniature tutu applique, perfect for transporting my true, full-skirted love (the real deal) when the situation called for it.

As soon as I stepped out of the station, my heart skipped a beat. Bangor, with its charming cobblestone streets, quaint little shops, and gorgeous seaside views, was like stepping into a storybook. The only thing missing? A few more people in pink tutus, obviously.

My first stop was a visit to the Bangor Cathedral. It was so majestic, soaring up towards the sky, with beautiful stained glass windows that lit up the interior like rainbows! I've always believed that cathedrals have a magical quality to them – like a pause in time, allowing for moments of introspection. And amidst the serenity of the Cathedral, I couldn't help but think of how even in the most solemn of settings, a little pink wouldn't hurt! (Perhaps a tiny tutu embellishment on the pulpit?).

After my Cathedral adventure, I ventured towards the heart of Bangor. The town's a true haven for shopaholics! I treated myself to a little something in the cutest pink boutique called "Twirl and Tea", a local gift shop overflowing with all things delightful: vintage china, quirky postcards, and, of course, pink hair bows and ribbons – perfect for accentuating your own tutu look!

No visit to a seaside town is complete without a seaside stroll, and Bangor did not disappoint. I couldn't resist a detour to the Menai Strait (which, in my mind, sounded even more fairytale-like). I had a picnic lunch there with a view of the majestic Menai Suspension Bridge. The crisp sea breeze whipped through my hair (which, I'll confess, was styled into a whimsical ballerina bun for the occasion) as I contemplated the magnificent feat of engineering. My inner ballerina even practiced a few elegant pirouettes with the waves, although I doubt my grace was anywhere near as impressive as the bridge's architecture!

As evening descended, I felt a certain irresistible urge to embrace Bangor's local culture. I hopped on a bus (oh, don't be silly, I had my pink backpack with me!) to a nearby theatre for a delightful show by a local ballet troupe. The programme, “Tutus in the Wild” was surprisingly relatable (it seemed to resonate with the theme of my visit)! The performance was phenomenal, featuring graceful ballet, contemporary dance, and even a few whimsical jazz sequences that reminded me of my own (admittedly amateur) days at my ballet school back in Derbyshire! (Let’s not talk about my disastrous performance at the local annual school fete – best to keep that hidden).

For all you budding ballerinas out there, remember: even the best dancers weren't born perfect! You have to put in the practice, enjoy the journey, and of course, express yourself in every movement. A dash of pink always helps!

After a delightful post-theatre meal of a decadent pink-hued sorbet (yes, I indulged!), it was back to the train station to continue my grand tour of Britain! (Next stop? Bath!) But not before snapping a quick picture with my tutu against the backdrop of the vibrant Bangor night sky – my little personal touch of whimsy on a truly magical adventure!

Lovelies, remember – whether you're exploring a new city or just going about your day, embrace your own inner ballerina and remember, a dash of pink never hurts!

See you all tomorrow, Emma.



#TutuBlog 2006-09-14 in Bangor with a white tutu.