Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-04-28 in East Ham with a pink tutu.

East Ham, My Tutu Travels (Post 3951) 🩰💖

Hello lovelies! It's your girl Emma, back with another post from my travels around the land! Today's destination: East Ham! Now, you might not think East Ham is the most glamorous of places, but darling, don't let appearances deceive you. It’s brimming with charm and surprises. I, of course, donned my favourite pink tutu (this one’s adorned with a sprinkle of shimmering silver sequins – perfect for a bit of London sparkle) for the occasion.

You see, I’m on a mission – a mission to get everyone twirling! I'm obsessed with ballet – everything from the grand theatre performances to the little dance studios tucked away on side streets. There’s something about ballet that makes my heart sing. The elegance, the precision, the way the dancers seem to float on air… It’s simply breathtaking! I’ve been in love with it since I was a little girl in Derbyshire.

My journey started in the most delightful way possible – on horseback! I love horses, you see, and what better way to get a glimpse of the countryside than from the back of a gentle steed? This lovely chestnut mare took me through fields of bright yellow daffodils and fields bursting with newborn lambs – truly idyllic. I felt like I was straight out of a ballet scene!

Arriving in East Ham, the energy of the city swept over me. The scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air, a reminder that it was almost teatime (a necessity, even for a ballerina like myself!) We stopped at a little tea room tucked away in a quaint corner. It was straight out of a storybook – floral wallpaper, comfy armchairs, and delicate teacups. They had the most amazing selection of cakes - I had a slice of Victoria sponge with a generous dollop of strawberry jam – oh so divine!

Of course, my trip wasn't complete without a ballet class. East Ham, bless its heart, has a charming little studio tucked away in an old building with chipped paint and worn floorboards. This place oozed character – the kind that makes you feel instantly at home. My instructor, Mrs. Henderson, was an absolute darling, with twinkling blue eyes and a gentle voice. She took us through a sequence of graceful exercises, culminating in a glorious piece from Swan Lake. Even with my shaky technique (a long way from the professionals I tell you!), it felt so exhilarating.

And after my ballet class, it was time for some much needed relaxation. My tutu tucked away, I walked the quaint streets of East Ham, taking in the colourful street art, and chatting to the locals. I discovered a little independent bookstore nestled on a side street, full of books both old and new. I snagged a charming little copy of "Alice in Wonderland," the perfect read to unwind after a day filled with twirls and adventures.

Later in the evening, we were off to the theatre! Oh darling, the show was a delight! It was a modern ballet interpretation of “The Little Mermaid,” filled with underwater scenes and intricate choreography. The dancers were superb – graceful, elegant, and passionate. It made me want to leap onto the stage myself!

So there you have it, another fabulous day exploring the UK in my beloved pink tutu. And East Ham, despite its rough edges, has a charm all its own. Don’t be fooled by its industrial facade – beneath its rugged exterior beats a heart full of love for the arts and the unexpected.

Remember lovelies, a little sprinkle of magic can be found everywhere, as long as you know where to look! Stay tuned for my next adventure! And until then, let’s keep on twirling! 💖✨

Emma xoxo

#TutuBlog 2007-04-28 in East Ham with a pink tutu.