Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-04-29 in Weston-super-Mare with a yellow tutu.

Weston-super-Mare: Tutu-ing it Up by the Sea!

Post Number: 3952


Hello my lovely readers!

It’s Emma here, your favourite tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, ready to whisk you away on another whirlwind adventure. This time, I’m swapping the rolling hills of my beloved Derbyshire for the bracing sea air of Weston-super-Mare. And what’s better than a trip to the seaside? A trip to the seaside in a sunshine yellow tutu, of course!

I boarded the train this morning feeling like a ballerina swan gliding into a sea of commuters, all with their faces glued to their screens. I even got a few surprised glances – one gentleman looked positively stunned as I gracefully floated past. Honestly, he should have been smiling! A pop of colour in a dull world is never a bad thing!

Now, I’ve been wanting to visit Weston-super-Mare for ages. I've heard wonderful things about the Victorian pier, the promenade, and of course, the glorious sea itself! It’s got that charming, retro feel, just waiting for me to add a touch of pink-tutu sparkle!

Arriving in Weston, I felt the salty air nip at my nose and I breathed in the tangy sea air – it’s exhilarating! My favourite thing about travelling by train is the journey itself. It gives you a chance to just soak up the scenery and daydream about all the fabulous adventures that lie ahead. And as always, I made sure to find the perfect window seat for my Tutu-Selfie. Because really, what's a travel post without a little bit of Tutu-glamour? (See Instagram @PinkTutu for the latest.)

The pier was bustling with laughter and seaside charm – it's an iconic reminder of a simpler time! I made sure to walk along the length of it, marvelling at the quaint shops, the arcade with its bright flashing lights and, of course, the arcade itself! I even braved a go on one of the classic seaside amusements – it's not every day a ballet dancer gets to experience the thrills of the rollercoaster, you know! (Spoiler: my tutu definitely held up under the pressure! You wouldn’t catch me being out of a twirl at the best of times! )

Later, I treated myself to a fish and chips by the seafront – just the kind of simple seaside pleasure I’ve been yearning for. It's all about embracing the moment, the smells of the sea, the sunshine on my face, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

One of the things that really makes Weston-super-Mare special, in my opinion, are the wildlife! As I took a walk along the beach, I saw some fascinating seabirds - all sorts of gulls and even a graceful little egret, its white feathers shimmering in the sunshine. Seeing nature in its raw glory, whether it’s the rolling green hills of my Derbyshire home, the seabirds swooping and diving or the ballet dancers graceful movements in performance, always fills me with awe. I just love the freedom they all seem to possess!

And what trip to the seaside is complete without a visit to the beach itself? I spent a blissful hour, soaking up the sun, the sand between my toes, the scent of the sea on my skin – pure bliss! I think the pink tutu felt pretty content, basking in the sunshine too! It’s definitely time to add a bright blue tutu for beach trips! (Must write it on the to-do list.)

Time for some Ballet, darlings!

Speaking of blissful moments, I stumbled across a small, independent ballet studio while wandering through Weston’s quaint streets! I simply couldn't resist popping in to take a class! It was the perfect end to my seaside adventures - I swear I could practically hear the waves crashing as I stretched my muscles, all fuelled by that invigorating seaside air. It felt so good to lose myself in the magic of ballet, surrounded by like-minded souls – all eager to explore the joy of movement. You could tell that the studio itself was a real haven, full of laughter and encouragement – the exact kind of space I long for when I need a tutu-ful of joy!

And just before I head home, I found another perfect treat. Imagine: A charming little café on the seafront, bathed in soft sunlight, with delicious homemade cakes and the aroma of fresh coffee lingering in the air. It felt so charming and perfect, and it wouldn’t be a true Emma adventure without at least one little cake, would it? After a very British, delicious afternoon tea, with scones and strawberry jam and clotted cream, I'm heading home - and as always, a journey back home in the evening seems more relaxed somehow.

Today’s adventure was all about savouring simple joys, discovering hidden gems, and remembering why I love exploring the world. My heart’s already planning my next adventure, somewhere that will whisk me away in a whirl of excitement.

So, to all my lovely readers out there, I say, let's spread a little sunshine wherever we go – why not join me on a journey of self-discovery and adventure? You don't have to wear a pink tutu (but it's definitely encouraged!), and you don't have to travel far – maybe a park in your hometown, a stroll down a scenic path, or even just a little time dedicated to following your own dreams!

Remember: The world is full of amazing experiences just waiting to be explored, so grab your favourite tutu, throw your head back with joy, and make every moment count!

See you next time!

With much love and Tutu-tastic sparkle,


#TutuBlog 2007-04-29 in Weston-super-Mare with a yellow tutu.