
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-05-30 in Bangor with a german tutu.

Bangor Ballet Bliss - Post #3983

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, Emma, back with another fabulous adventure. Today I'm whisking you all away to the beautiful Welsh city of Bangor, nestled amidst stunning mountain views and the sparkling waters of the Menai Strait. It truly feels like a magical escape!

My journey started as always, in style, aboard a luxurious train carriage. I just adore the leisurely pace of train travel. It gives me time to catch up on my favourite fashion blogs (yes, even I get my inspiration from others!) and admire the scenery whizzing by. And speaking of scenery, oh, the views from my carriage window were utterly breathtaking! Lush green valleys, quaint villages, and dramatic hills rolling away to the horizon - it's a landscape straight out of a romantic fairytale. I felt like a fairytale princess myself, gliding through the countryside in my latest vintage floral frock and perfectly matching pink ballet shoes (can't resist a little bit of pink, even when travelling!).

Upon arriving in Bangor, I was greeted with an air of gentle excitement, which was simply contagious! There's something special about the air in a coastal town; the scent of salty air mingled with the sweet smell of blooming flowers and… oh, I'm already daydreaming! Anyway, the purpose of my trip was a simply wonderful one – to see a truly fabulous ballet performance by the North Wales Youth Ballet. They were staging a gorgeous rendition of Swan Lake at the Pontio Theatre.

Oh! Before I forget, please excuse my girly giggling here! You just have to imagine my absolute delight – the local department store in Bangor actually stocks a collection of "Pink Tutu" clothing! Now, they're not my official tutus from my beloved ballet school in Derbyshire (more about them in another post!), but still, it felt very special! I even treated myself to a silk pink scarf, with a little ballerina emblem – you know me! Gotta match my outfit to my tutu heart!

Back to the ballet, now! The theatre was such a charm - a beautifully preserved building with high ceilings and velvet seating. It just oozed that special "performance" atmosphere that I love. The atmosphere was electric with excitement as the curtain rose on the elegant swan corps de ballet, their white tutus swaying in perfect harmony with the haunting, magical music.

The lead ballerina, Megan, was absolutely captivating! She embodied the dual role of the graceful, innocent White Swan and the fiery, vengeful Black Swan with an exquisite sense of emotion. I just sat mesmerized, watching her every graceful movement, the way her pointe shoes glided effortlessly across the stage – a real masterclass in classical ballet!

Speaking of grace, can we just take a moment to appreciate how amazing the Swan Lake soundtrack is?! That music just fills your soul with such beautiful melancholy, but at the same time, such exquisite energy - you just have to tap your foot!

And it wasn’t just the performances that enchanted me. After the show, I strolled through the delightful streets of Bangor. The air was alive with the chatter of locals and the sweet sounds of a busker's guitar, playing a joyful folk tune. The sunshine was peeking through the clouds, casting a warm golden glow over everything. I stopped to admire a charming little gift shop selling handcrafted jewellery and locally produced honey - you could smell the honey just standing in front of the store!

As the day wound down, I discovered the Menai Strait, and let me tell you - it is truly awe-inspiring! The waters stretched before me as far as the eye could see, surrounded by the majesty of the Snowdonia mountains. A flock of wild geese gracefully descended onto the water, their white feathers gleaming in the golden light - it was like a ballet performance right there in front of me, in nature's very own theatre!

It's just wonderful to find that beauty and inspiration in so many unexpected places, whether it's a vintage dress or a wild goose in flight. Ballet, nature, travel - they all feed my spirit in ways nothing else can!

I took my last walk by the Menai Strait with the setting sun painting the sky in vibrant hues of pink, orange, and purple - a spectacular farewell to my Bangor adventure.

So, dear friends, until next time! If you are planning a trip to Wales, Bangor is an absolute must-see. Its history, charm, stunning scenery, and unexpected ballet encounters make it truly magical.

Now, go grab a pink tutu and embrace the magic of the world around you! And remember, anything is possible if you dare to dream in pink!

Stay twirling and happy, * *Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuBlog 2007-05-30 in Bangor with a german tutu.