
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2007-12-06 in Blackburn with a white tutu.

Blackburn with a White Tutu! 🩰

Hello my darling dears,

It's Emma here, reporting live from sunny (okay, it's December, but let's be positive) Blackburn, where I'm just bursting with excitement about this week's adventures. It's been a real whirlwind! This is post number 4173 for you, and today I want to tell you all about how a white tutu has taken me from a picturesque Derbyshire countryside to the charming streets of Blackburn! (Remember that little black tutu I found in that fabulous vintage shop last week? Well, you just wouldn't believe what happened with it!...)

A Gallop Through The Countryside 🐎

This week started as it often does, with an early morning gallop through the Derbyshire hills with my favourite pal, Bumble. You know, Bumble? My trusty, slightly eccentric, yet wonderfully kind chestnut mare? You'd think I was mad for braving the crisp December air, but let me tell you, galloping through a field glistening with frost while the sun shines on your face and the air is so fresh it almost hurts? Bliss!

As usual, Bumble had other plans though. She's got such a personality! I swear she knows the precise moments when she can pull a few cheeky shenanigans - just before we start our canter through the fields she decides to nibble on a rogue blade of grass... naturally, that means I almost get catapulted right out of the saddle! *Such a rascal! *

A White Tutu To Blackburn

And speaking of being flung from the saddle, it felt a little like I was launched into another world as soon as I arrived in Blackburn this afternoon! My journey there was a pure delight though - something magical about travelling by train when the landscape outside your window blurs into a tapestry of countryside scenes.

What brought me to this lovely town you may be asking? Well, a beautiful white tutu with a sprinkle of glitter. You know, the sort of white that is oh-so-soft and feminine? Turns out it wasn't destined to just sit in my wardrobe... It was destined to make its grand debut at the grandest ballet theatre in Blackburn! The Blackburn Empire Theatre. Yes, I said it! The EMPIRE. I'd been invited by the very kind (and wonderfully enthusiastic) director to showcase a brand new, oh-so-very glamorous, contemporary dance piece based around the history of the town. And you know me, I could never resist an invitation to a new town and a stunning dance opportunity, especially when the stage is bathed in pink spotlights! You guys know how much I love a bit of pink... pink everything! *

Oh My, This White Tutu!

The dance was... let's say an explosive triumph! I wasn't alone. I brought a group of beautiful Derbyshire dancers (each dressed in our own spectacular pink creations of course - our colours were definitely a highlight, the director assured me) with me and together we filled the stage with dazzling routines. It felt exhilarating, inspiring!

And that beautiful, sparkling, white tutu? Oh, my heart! She was my constant companion, her softness gently swirling as I moved. It wasn't just the white that captivated, but how the little details spoke to the history of the town and the stories the dancers told on stage. You could just feel the history seeping into every move!

Ballet and Butterflies πŸ¦‹

You've never seen a theatre so vibrant with excitement! I just loved all the smiling faces and the beautiful outfits of the audience! As a tiny, delicious treat after the show, I discovered this charming butterfly garden attached to the theatre. They were simply enchanting, and the beautiful creatures flitted amongst the wildflowers, and they definitely reminded me of our elegant performance!

Speaking of butterflies, this incredible journey reminded me of one of my favourite life lessons: Don’t be afraid to break free from your comfort zone and spread your wings! Embrace new challenges, even if they take you a little outside of your favourite countryside and right into the heart of Blackburn with a white tutu. (and maybe even a few pink ones).

Now I’m back in Derbyshire, curled up on the sofa with a hot chocolate, reflecting on everything that's happened in the past few days. This white tutu might be packed away now, but her story will live on forever, You can always count on pink-tutu.com for all your dancing inspiration - every day. I'll be sharing some photos and even a behind-the-scenes video later. (I’ve already begun planning our next adventures - we’re taking a train to Edinburgh next! How exciting!)

Until tomorrow, my dears! Don't forget, ballet and a pink tutu is the ultimate secret to a life full of magic! πŸ’•

Love, Emma x

#TutuBlog 2007-12-06 in Blackburn with a white tutu.