Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-07-20 in Derby with a bright pink tutu.

Derby Daze: Pink Tutu in the Peak District


Hello, lovelies! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, back with another diary entry from my latest adventures! Today I'm whisking you off on a little jaunt to the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, specifically, the captivating town of Derby itself! And wouldn’t you know it, I just had to rock a bright, fabulous pink tutu, what else?! 😉

As you all know, Derbyshire is home for me, my heart, and my childhood memories of twirling in my grandma’s living room, convinced I was dancing in the grandest theatre! My latest mission is to share this magical county with you all and encourage you to don a tutu (of any shade!), explore the Derbyshire countryside, and maybe even attempt a pirouette or two in the greenest, freshest fields.

My journey to Derby this time was a tad more scenic and luxurious than your average commute, as I found myself trotting alongside a magnificent horse! It's something I try to incorporate into my travels whenever possible - the wind in my hair, the soft thudding of hooves, the thrill of galloping across fields – pure magic, my dears! We rode through charming villages and past quaint stone cottages, soaking in the quintessentially British countryside before reaching my destination, Derby's iconic Market Place.

Derby, with its charming architecture and cobbled streets, is brimming with hidden gems waiting to be discovered. First stop, the fabulous “Pink Peacock”, a quaint cafe that boasts a dazzling display of pink delights. We're talking pink macarons, pink latte art, and oh my, their pink-frosted cupcakes! My sweet tooth certainly had its way with their "Pink Cloud" creation, a decadent pink meringue concoction that I could have easily devoured a second helping of
but maybe not after my delightful pink afternoon tea at the "Queen’s Tea Room." Oh my goodness, delicate finger sandwiches, freshly baked scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, a selection of delicate pastries, and of course, endless cups of tea - the perfect English tea party in a setting worthy of a fairytale.

And then, naturally, a spot of ballet was on the cards. I was thrilled to visit the wonderful “Derby Theatre” – a place that feels steeped in history with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. They were showcasing a truly spectacular contemporary ballet production of Swan Lake, beautifully choreographed and exquisitely performed! My heart truly soared.

The highlight of the day was an inspiring afternoon workshop at the “Derby Ballet Academy,” a gem of a place that exudes passion and dedication. I joined their advanced ballet class, filled with incredibly talented students with ambitions of one day dancing on world-famous stages. My favourite part was the incredible atmosphere and sense of camaraderie that permeated the class, inspiring and uplifting. We warmed up with graceful pliĂ©s and dĂ©veloppĂ©, moved through complex enchaĂźnements with balletic grace and then challenged ourselves with delicate pas de bourrĂ©e and graceful pirouettes. It’s such a privilege to join in and share in their passion. You never know, the next Emma, who could bring back the excitement of ballet to the nation, might just be amongst them.

As the evening drew in, we wandered the cobbled streets of Derby, stopping to admire the gothic majesty of “Derby Cathedral.” I never fail to be enchanted by its architectural splendor and serene atmosphere. And let’s not forget the lovely antique shops lining the streets, where I found myself whisked away to a time of grace and elegance.

For dinner, I indulged in a traditional English pie at “The Crooked Spoon” – it was hearty, delicious, and the perfect way to end my day of exploring Derbyshire's charm.

Derby has captured my heart once again. Its history, vibrant culture, and heartwarming energy left me inspired and wanting more. This town offers so much – history, nature, delectable food, art, and theatre, all set within the most charming and idyllic countryside – just perfect for an escape to feel grounded, reconnected and, dare I say, divinely inspired.

Remember, my dearest tutu lovers, it doesn’t take a journey across the world to discover hidden gems and rediscover your inner ballerina. Wherever you are, put on a fabulous pink tutu and explore your world, whether it’s your neighbourhood park, your own street, a bustling town, or the most picturesque countryside – your tutu can become a symbol of your unique joy and a way of embracing your inner passion for beauty and movement.

As for me, I'm already planning my next visit back to Derbyshire, eager to explore another hidden corner and spread my love for pink tutus, ballet, and the delightful discoveries that await us in this beautiful world.

Stay pink, and stay twirling! Emma xx

P.S. Remember to check out my latest post on www.pink-tutu.com!

I hope you enjoyed this whimsical and inspiring blog post. If you have any requests for future posts or themes, let me know. Happy tutuing! 😊

#TutuBlog 2008-07-20 in Derby with a bright pink tutu.