Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-09-16 in Saint Albans with a italian tutu.

Saint Albans: A Tutu-licious Adventure!

Post 4458

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, Emma, here, ready to whisk you away on another adventure. Today’s escapade takes us to the charming town of Saint Albans, just a hop, skip, and a train journey away from my Derbyshire abode.

Oh, you know I just love a good train journey, especially when I’m sporting my fabulous pink tutu, feeling like a ballerina en route to a grand performance. This time, however, my tutu wasn’t for a performance; it was for exploring. And exploring I did!

The cobbled streets of Saint Albans were the perfect setting for a pink tutu, I must say! The historic charm, the quaint little shops, the bustling market – it was like stepping out of a fairytale!

Speaking of fairytales, Saint Albans is home to the stunning Verulamium Park, where I spent the morning losing myself amongst the trees, basking in the sunshine. It's a proper secret little haven in the heart of the town, just waiting to be discovered by the ballet-loving and nature-appreciating souls of the world.

You see, I firmly believe that ballet and wildlife belong together, like cream tea and scones. It’s just a natural synergy, the elegance of movement against the backdrop of nature’s beauty.

My next stop? The Roman Theatre. Now, this wasn’t just any ordinary theatre, darlings, this was an actual ancient Roman theatre, carved out of the very earth itself. As I stood in the arena, I could almost hear the echoes of applause and the roar of the crowds as gladiators battled centuries ago. It was absolutely incredible!

But back to tutus, wouldn’t you agree? As I explored the Roman Theatre, I couldn't help but imagine a grand ballet performance being held within those walls. The sweeping steps, the graceful leaps, the sheer beauty of it all! Now wouldn’t that be something?! A ballet production within an ancient Roman amphitheatre? Absolutely breathtaking!

Speaking of breathtaking, my afternoon in Saint Albans led me to a hidden gem: the St Albans Cathedral. This majestic building, with its towering arches and exquisite stained glass windows, was truly a sight to behold. And you know what? The cathedral played host to a stunning contemporary art exhibition showcasing the work of local artists.

The colours, the textures, the bold expression - it all intertwined so beautifully with the historic architecture. The energy in that space was electric! It really made me think about the interconnectedness of art forms, how they all weave together, even if on the surface they might seem so different.

The afternoon flew by in a whirl of inspiration and cultural immersion, leaving me with a heart full of joy and a wardrobe in dire need of a pink tutu upgrade. I felt so empowered by the beauty, the history, the energy that flowed through the streets of Saint Albans. It was truly an unforgettable day, reminding me of the simple pleasures that bring such joy to my life: discovering hidden gems, losing myself in nature, and expressing myself through movement.

But my journey didn't end there, oh no! Before leaving Saint Albans, I simply had to indulge in a delightful slice of strawberry and cream cake at a quaint little tea room, right next to a quaint little bookstore filled with fascinating tales of wonder. A truly fitting way to end my Saint Albans adventure, don't you think?

And let's not forget my beloved tutus! Oh, wouldn't it be absolutely lovely to see a pink tutu worn in each of the quaint corners of Saint Albans? Just imagine, darling! Perhaps even a little ballet workshop in the Roman Theatre! How charming, wouldn't it be?

Well, my dears, I bid you adieu from the bustling streets of Saint Albans, brimming with inspiration and ready to tackle the world in my signature pink tutu. Remember, embrace your inner ballerina, and don’t be afraid to spread a little pink joy wherever you go!

Until next time,



#TutuBlog 2008-09-16 in Saint Albans with a italian tutu.