Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2008-09-17 in Burnley with a pink tutu.

Burnley Bound: Tutu Time in the North! 💖

Post Number 4459

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-loving, ballet-obsessed Emma here! And guess what? This weekend was simply divine, thanks to a whirlwind trip to Burnley. Now, I know what you’re thinking: Burnley? It’s not exactly known for its high fashion scene, but I promise you, even the most understated town can become a sartorial triumph with the right touch of pink… and tutu, of course! 😉

The journey there was half the fun. You know how much I adore a train ride. The rhythmic clatter of the wheels on the track, the soft rumble of the carriage, and the fleeting glimpses of the countryside all create such a dreamy atmosphere. This time, I even saw a gaggle of adorable little ducks paddling in a pond – such delightful company!

Arriving in Burnley, the first thing I noticed was the quaintness. The charming, red brick buildings, the independent shops brimming with character, and the bustling marketplace - it all felt like a charming scene from a vintage postcard. The air even smelled different, crisp and clean with a hint of woodsmoke - like something out of a children's book!

I decided to wear my pale pink, layered tulle tutu, the one I got at a vintage boutique in Paris. The softness of the fabric against my skin was heavenly, and the delicate shimmer of the tulle under the midday sun felt truly magical. Paired it with a simple white cotton blouse, my trusty red ballet flats, and a beaded bag I picked up in Notting Hill – simple but undeniably stylish, you know?

First stop was a local tea room that had been recommended by my darling auntie, Ethel. The afternoon tea was pure decadence: dainty finger sandwiches, a delightful array of miniature cakes, and a pot of freshly brewed tea. All served with a touch of Victorian elegance. My fellow afternoon tea guests couldn't help but admire my tutu.

After indulging in the teatime delights, I made my way to the town hall, where a special ballet performance was taking place. This wasn’t your average "Swan Lake" – this was Burnley’s own community ballet company, putting on a wonderful mix of contemporary and traditional pieces. I was especially enchanted by their rendition of "The Nutcracker". The young dancers were incredibly talented, and their energy was infectious. I can tell you, seeing them pirouette across the stage, twirling in their tutus, just filled me with pure joy. You could feel the passion in every move, every expression! It was inspiring.

After the show, I popped into a charming little shop overflowing with beautiful fabrics and threads. I bought myself some silky lilac ribbon and some pretty lace trim – I’m already planning a new tutu project for my blog, of course! And what better inspiration for my next design than the beautiful, delicate textures of nature? I found some exquisite little flowers – delicate forget-me-nots and dainty pink peonies. Nature is always such a great muse!

But before I left, I wanted to give Burnley a proper "pink tutu" experience. I strolled through the park, enjoying the crisp air and the gentle rays of the setting sun, the tutu swishing beautifully with every step. My vibrant pink contrasted against the soft, muted autumn hues of the trees. And let me tell you, a little bit of pink never hurts! I even caught a few people’s eyes, with an unmistakably curious glance in their direction. My little touch of whimsy, even in such an unexpected location, had made people smile. Isn’t that wonderful?

By the time I arrived at the train station, feeling as happy as a princess in a fairy tale, it was already dark. But the platform was alive with light, and the twinkling streetlights mirrored the sparkle in my eyes. I sat by the window, looking out at the countryside as the train trundled its way back to Derbyshire, thinking about my amazing adventure in Burnley.

So, you see, darlings, it doesn’t matter where you are, there is always beauty to be found, and a touch of pink and a little tutu never fails to make any occasion more delightful.

Stay twirling!



#TutuBlog 2008-09-17 in Burnley with a pink tutu.