Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-06-29 in Paignton with a gymnastic tutu.

Paignton - Post 4744

Oh darling, I am positively giddy!

Can you believe it's been almost a year since I last ventured to the beautiful seaside town of Paignton? I simply had to come back, not only for the sunshine and sea air, but because I was absolutely thrilled to have scored tickets to the fabulous “Summer Serenade” performance at the Princess Theatre.

After a positively delightful train journey, where I felt rather like Cinderella on her way to the ball in my darling pink tulle skirt, I arrived in Paignton. A charming chap offered to carry my bags from the station, bless his heart - all I had was my tiny sparkly pink handbag and a fluffy, oh-so-pink, tutu bag!

Oh, darling, you simply must see the tutu bag! I found it at the most delightful little shop tucked away in the heart of Bakewell. It's the perfect size for all my ballerina essentials: hair ties, bobby pins, ballet slippers and, of course, a little spare pair of tights – just in case, darling, because a ballet dancer must always be prepared for anything!

Anyway, Paignton greeted me with a gorgeous stretch of beach - oh, how I adore the ocean! And it's the most perfect excuse to slip on a fabulous sundress, isn't it? I chose my bright, coral pink one for the occasion, you know the one with the embroidered butterflies, simply adorable!

The rest of the day was pure bliss. I treated myself to the most divine fish and chips on the promenade (the best in the whole country, I’d swear), and took a long, leisurely stroll along the harbour. The seagulls are so delightfully mischievous here! I can't resist a good squawk with them. The smell of the salty air and the sight of the vast blue ocean - pure heaven!

Let's talk tutus, shall we?

Tonight, I went all out, darling. For "Summer Serenade," I donned the most beautiful ballet tutu I've ever worn! A bespoke creation by my dear friend Beatrice. She calls it the “Gymnastic Tutu.” It’s oh-so-flirty, with layers upon layers of pink chiffon. It swirled and twirled around me as I danced in my room, preparing for the theatre.

Imagine a blush of rose, like the soft petals of a blooming peony, only with the most divine shimmering sheen. Yes, you could call it "fairytale pink." It just sets my heart aflutter, don't you think? I teamed it with a sparkly pink camisole and a simple, but oh-so-elegant pair of ballet flats – you know, the kind that feel like a feather against your feet?

As I stepped out, the sea air carried a touch of that rosy scent. It made me feel like a beautiful flower ready to unfurl and show the world all the lovely pink within!

And then the theatre! I swear, I felt the heart-skipping excitement all through the show! The dance pieces were absolutely spectacular - from the intricate footwork of the dancers to the effortless grace of the corps de ballet, it was a beautiful journey from beginning to end.

But the absolute best part? Well, the company actually did a fantastic "Pink Tutu" routine, dedicated to all us "tutu-enthusiasts." The crowd went wild! And believe me, it took every ounce of my self-control not to dance along with the dancers in my own little pink tulle paradise.

Honestly, dear blog readers, I've been itching to dance ever since! So tomorrow, I’m booking myself a little “ballet burst” at the lovely, charming "Seagull Studio," right here in Paignton! It's so wonderful when life hands you a chance to step out of your own personal ballet shoes and enjoy the delights of something a little extra.

And remember, darling, there is a tiny pink tutu waiting to bloom within every single one of you. Don't be afraid to find it, nurture it, and share it with the world!

I am off to dream of tutus, pink sequins, and the beautiful sea. Until tomorrow, darling!

Yours in pink,

Emma xox

P.S. Did I mention Paignton is a birdwatcher’s haven? Well, it is! I spotted the most darling little wren perched on a branch in the gardens of the theatre! Such an adorable, fluffy ball of fluff, all grey and white. It made my day just a bit more special.


A daily dose of ballet, tutus, and everything pink. Because every day is a dance, darling.

#TutuBlog 2009-06-29 in Paignton with a gymnastic tutu.