Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-07-15 in Barking with a cyan tutu.

#TutuBlog - Barking with a Cyan Tutu

Post number 4760 - www.pink-tutu.com

Oh my darlings, it’s me, Emma, your favourite ballerina, coming at you live from a little haven called Barking in Essex! You know I love a bit of a city break, and London never fails to delight. This time though, I decided to branch out and explore some of the capital's fascinating surrounding areas. Barking might not be on everyone’s list of top destinations, but I'm here to tell you, it's bursting with hidden gems!

Firstly, the commute was pure fairytale! I managed to snag a first-class carriage on the train - hello, extra leg room and complimentary refreshments! You know me, always aiming for the most luxurious experience. But more on the train trip later. Today, I want to tell you about the reason I’ve ditched my classic pink tutu for a cyan one - shock, horror! Well, my lovelies, the colour is inspired by the breathtaking wildlife that inhabits Barking.

Have you heard of the Barking Abbey & Park? I’ve discovered a real sanctuary here, full of birdsong and the smell of nature. The Abbey, though not entirely intact, is beautiful with ivy crawling up its walls, whispering stories from its rich history. But the real highlight is the park! Think towering trees, sparkling waterways, and open spaces begging to be danced upon.

Speaking of dance, I couldn't resist channeling the energy of the park into my very own impromptu ballet performance! I swear, the deer watched in awe, their antlers catching the dappled sunlight. Honestly, I’m not sure if I was putting on a show for them or if I was simply being hypnotised by their graceful movements. There was definitely a kind of wild ballet going on, fueled by the rhythm of the rustling leaves. It was absolutely magical.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the swans! It wouldn't be a trip to a London park without encountering these graceful birds. They're practically professional ballerinas with their impeccable postures and smooth movements. I spent a good ten minutes captivated by their synchronized swimming routine, even snapping a few pictures to immortalize this majestic moment.

Anyway, back to my cyan tutu obsession. This vibrant colour is not only perfect for capturing the feeling of this green haven but also pays homage to the sky above, dotted with fluffy white clouds. Yes, my lovelies, it's all connected! Fashion, nature, and ballet - they truly do go hand in hand.

Talking about fashion, the Barking Market was a true feast for the eyes! It's overflowing with colour, energy, and a real sense of community. It felt like I stepped into a picture-perfect scene from a charming French movie - if French movies featured brightly coloured fruit stands, friendly stall owners, and maybe a few tutu-clad ladies, ahem! I managed to find a vintage brooch in the shape of a swan, so naturally, it’s now adorning my tutu for extra ballet-meets-wildlife chic points.

Don't even get me started on the Barking Recreation Ground! I haven’t felt so energetic and alive in ages. You wouldn’t believe how much fun I had throwing a frisbee with a bunch of local dogs. And it wasn’t just the frisbee throwing, it was the pure joy of sharing space and laughter with complete strangers. This town has a real sense of community that warmed my heart.

As the day drew to a close, I had the most delightful encounter with an elderly lady, probably the age of my dear granny, who, despite being seated on a bench in the park, managed to impress me with a perfect pirouette! Talk about inspiration. She explained she’d been a ballet teacher for years and reminisced about the magic of dance and its ability to lift the spirits. We spent a good ten minutes reminiscing, with her sharing some of her most cherished memories. She even mentioned that she, too, had a cyan tutu somewhere in the back of her wardrobe. Imagine, connecting with complete strangers, discovering shared passions, and realizing the world of ballet is so much bigger than we might think.

Later, I took a trip on the Barking-to-Ilford tram - it was a blast from the past! Honestly, I felt like I was on a journey back in time, my tutu swaying as I marvelled at the views. The charming landscape and the feeling of community made me appreciate the simplicity of life in these less hectic parts of the world.

And now, I'm back at my lovely Airbnb in Barking, writing this blog post with a cup of freshly brewed tea. My toes are tired, but my heart is brimming with joy. Barking has definitely surpassed my expectations! It's the perfect place for those who appreciate the quiet beauty of nature, the charm of small-town life, and of course, the magical art of ballet.

So, darlings, remember, whether it's the ballet studio, the stage, the park, or a bustling market, there's always room for a little bit of ballet and a lot of pink (or even a touch of cyan, if you're feeling adventurous!) in our lives.

Until next time, my loves!

Yours truly,


#TutuBlog 2009-07-15 in Barking with a cyan tutu.