
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2009-07-25 in Braintree with a pink tutu.

Braintree Bound in a Bubblegum Pink Tutu! ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

Post Number: 4770

Good morning lovelies! It's a glorious summer's day here in Derbyshire, the sun's shining and the birds are singing โ€“ which, as you all know, can only mean one thing: it's time for a trip! ๐Ÿš‚๐Ÿ’–

Today, I'm off on a grand adventure to the charming town of Braintree in Essex. Now, you may be wondering, why Braintree? Well, my darlings, it's a little known fact that Braintree has a thriving ballet scene! Yep, you heard me right, nestled amongst the quaint pubs and historic churches is a passionate community of dancers who are keeping the art form alive and kicking (quite literally, I might add!).

But, as ever, this adventure wouldn't be complete without my trusty companion โ€“ my bubblegum pink tutu! This little number has travelled far and wide with me, from the grand opera houses of Vienna to the cobbled streets of Prague. I even wore it on a romantic hot air balloon ride over the English countryside (don't worry, I tied it down securely!), so naturally, Braintree was not going to be an exception!

Before I hop on the train (who needs the M25 anyway?), I wanted to share with you some of the magical adventures I've been up to this week:

A Whirlwind Ballet Tour:

Tuesday saw me twirling across the stage of the Royal Opera House, where I witnessed a dazzling performance of Swan Lake. It was a complete joy to see so many talented dancers embody the delicate beauty and graceful power of this classic story. There were definitely some tears of happiness during the final pas de deux!

On Wednesday, I ventured out to a small theatre tucked away in the heart of a sleepy village in Kent. There, I discovered a hidden gem โ€“ a local dance company presenting a contemporary piece that explored the human condition through expressive movements and striking choreography. It left me feeling truly inspired and wanting to dive into my own creative expression.

But, it's not all about professional performances, darling! My heart belongs equally to the joy of simply moving and expressing myself through dance. I had the absolute pleasure of attending a ballet class on Thursday with some lovely fellow dancers who embraced every plie and arabesque with a smile and a joyful spirit. We were all twirling through the sunshine, and let me tell you, it was utterly magical!

Horseback Riding Adventures:

You know I love my horses! And this weekend, I've been lucky enough to enjoy some gorgeous gallops in the rolling hills of Derbyshire. There's just something about the feeling of freedom and connection with these magnificent creatures that fills my soul with joy.

A Splash of Wildlife:

But my love of animals extends beyond horses. I took a stroll through the Derbyshire Dales on Saturday, where I got a glimpse of a magnificent red deer stag roaming free in the meadow. His antlers were like a crown on his head, and he was absolutely breathtaking.

Then, on Sunday, I was fortunate enough to see a beautiful family of otters playing by the riverbank. They were so playful and mischievous, and their fluffy brown fur was simply irresistible. These wildlife encounters have truly enriched my week, and reminded me of the wonder and beauty that surrounds us.

Pink Tutu Vibes:

Now, I'm back home in Derbyshire, packing my little pink tutu in my bag and sipping on a cup of Earl Grey tea. The excitement for my Braintree adventure is bubbling up, and I can already imagine the fun I'll have exploring the town and discovering all its hidden gems. Maybe I'll even spot a wild bunny hopping around in the meadows! ๐Ÿ‡

I'll be sure to fill you all in on all the highlights of my trip in my next post! Until then, remember, the world is your stage, so get out there, find your passion, and dance with joy!

Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for daily inspiration and to join the Pink Tutu Movement โ€“ a global community dedicated to spreading the love of dance and colour! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ


Emma ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuBlog 2009-07-25 in Braintree with a pink tutu.