Post #4903 - 05th December 2009
Well, darlings, here I am again, in the capital of all things fabulous, London town! I just love this city - the buzz, the energy, the style…it’s almost as inspiring as the sight of a brand new pink tutu (almost)!
This time I’m here for a real treat - the Royal Ballet's performance of The Sleeping Beauty. I’m simply buzzing with excitement. Can you even imagine a better excuse for a girly weekend away? I knew I couldn’t possibly go without my favourite accessory…and what’s a girl to wear with a pink tutu than my new fur-trimmed, hot-pink, knee-length coat (oh and some sparkly knee-high boots of course! Every girl needs some sparkle!).
I took the train down, and I’ll tell you what, I am in love with all things train travel again. Something about that rhythmic rocking, chugging, clickety-clack makes you feel like you're on a magical journey! Plus, there's always the joy of watching the countryside fly past... although I did catch myself daydreaming about a pack of horses galloping alongside the train. Perhaps that’s the romantic in me talking (you’ve gotta be a bit romantic to appreciate a tutu!).
So, I got to London, popped my suitcase in the lovely hotel room - all plush velvet and elegant lighting… and what did I do? Why, straight to Covent Garden to do some serious window-shopping, obviously. It's such a delightful spot, full of little hidden shops, cafes and the cutest street performers imaginable! Did I tell you I just love street performance? Seeing talented people using their bodies to tell a story – it’s such a joy! I mean, think of what dancers do every day, telling stories with our bodies – and that's not even talking about ballet shows…it's incredible, really. Maybe I'll share a video of my favourite Covent Garden performers in my next post.
And speaking of sharing, darling… remember I said I'm here for The Sleeping Beauty? You better believe I’m going to take you with me, virtually of course. I’ll give you all the inside scoop on the show in tomorrow’s blog, so you can live vicariously through my adventures. Oh, and I might even slip in a sneak peak of my pink tutu under the magnificent lights of the Royal Opera House. I’m hoping they won’t mind... because we all know pink tutus deserve the limelight!
Now, it's getting a little late - gotta give myself a nice soak in the hotel tub before I hit the pillow and dream of twirling! But, just remember – wear pink.
Emma x
A London Day in PinkPost #4904 – 6th December 2009
Darling, if I could bottle the atmosphere at The Sleeping Beauty, I’d give each and every one of you a dose! It was utterly breathtaking. The colours, the music, the story, and…of course…those stunning costumes and breathtaking dancing!
The Royal Opera House was like stepping into a fairytale. It’s so elegant, so grand, it was actually quite awe-inspiring! It was hard to contain myself, to be honest! It’s one of the world's most renowned venues - and I couldn't help but feel like a real princess (except I was in my bright pink tutu, of course! ) My excitement was certainly at fever pitch… a real ballet-fanatic high!
From the opening scene with the fairies dancing under the magical light…to the grand waltz scene with Aurora (did I mention that Aurora is a lovely pink ballerina? It was very symbolic), to the Prince swooping her off her feet …everything felt like a dream! There was not a single person in that audience who wasn’t captivated by the magic, the power of movement and those glorious costumes. Oh, the costumes! All those billowing silks, delicate tulle, intricate details…they were just spectacular! And of course… a delicate dusting of pink on everything! How else could a story about Sleeping Beauty have played out?
And you know me, I simply couldn't resist having a peek behind the scenes. The energy backstage was electrifying! The dancers warming up, their focused faces, the excited chatter ... it really put the performances into perspective. To think that these people create so much beauty on stage just through movement…it’s mind-blowing! Their focus is extraordinary.
I wish I could share all the emotions, the artistry and the joy I experienced last night with you! All I can say is: every time I watch a ballet I find myself totally mesmerised. And, yes, I’m not ashamed to say, I was absolutely grinning ear-to-ear at the end.
So now, I’m sitting here sipping my morning tea… dreaming of ballet shoes and the swish of tutus, thinking what’s next? A horse-riding adventure? A trip to the park to see the swans? Well, who knows... maybe a new pink tutu! Because what's a ballet trip without a little retail therapy?
Emma x