Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the fabulous Birmingham, and oh my goodness, I am bursting with excitement to share all the gorgeousness I witnessed. But before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s talk about my outfit, shall we?
Because who goes to Birmingham without a fabulous tutu? I knew the second I saw this sunshine yellow number, with its delicate layers and charming tulle, it was perfect for my journey. Now, some of you might be wondering why I even bother with a tutu for a day trip - the truth is, it's simply my signature style. Like a true ballerina, I love to add a touch of the stage wherever I go, a reminder of the magic and grace I hold within myself. And of course, a sprinkle of joy wherever I walk!
The train ride, with the wind in my hair (okay, maybe just a little tousled but perfectly "ballet-hair-gone-wild", haha) and the sun painting the countryside in a delightful palette of oranges and yellows, felt so utterly whimsical. And to top it off, I saw a glorious family of deer grazing by the side of the track! I just had to capture the scene, so I took a quick little video with my phone, showing off the tutu, the deers and my wide grin – you can check it out on my Instagram (just search "Emma_PinkTutu")! It was such a wonderful start to my day, a gentle reminder to appreciate the beauty in every single moment.
Upon arriving in Birmingham, I decided to venture into the heart of the city – its magnificent Town Hall, standing tall and proud, truly is a sight to behold! The grandeur, the architectural details, it’s like stepping back in time. It made me dream of all the waltzes and grand pas de deux that could have been danced within its hallowed halls. Oh, the possibilities!
Now, Birmingham being a city synonymous with theatre, my itinerary couldn't possibly be complete without a trip to the Birmingham Hippodrome! I mean, seriously, can you even be in Birmingham and not be tempted by its theatre scene? My inner ballet bunny just had to see it for herself, so I did what any true ballerina would do - booked last-minute tickets to the absolutely stunning ballet adaptation of 'Pride and Prejudice'! The dancers, the story, the costumes… every detail was exquisite and made for an unforgettable evening. I felt like I had stepped straight onto the pages of Jane Austen herself! The tutus, oh, the tutus! A breathtaking cascade of colours, a feast for the eyes! The dancers floated across the stage with such effortless grace, it was truly enchanting! I swear I could hear the whispers of the 'PinkTutu' mantra in the air: “Every girl should dance, every girl should twirl.”
And to really take my ballerina heart to another level, the performance finished with a special encore - a spontaneous flash mob! Right there in the Hippodrome's main lobby, amidst a cheering crowd, these incredibly talented dancers launched into a dynamic and exciting ballet performance. It was absolutely infectious! It got my blood pumping and had me practically leaping to join in. Let's just say, I think my "enthusiastic applause" was quite impressive (and a little bit of a jig!).
That evening, back at my quaint little hotel, I realised something quite profound – ballet, like a truly good outfit, can transform not just your appearance, but your spirit. Every twist, every turn, every leap tells a story, expresses an emotion. It’s a language everyone can understand. The day was full of inspiration, reminding me of my mission to share my love for all things pink and all things tutu with the world. And I realised that every girl, every person, deserves the opportunity to express themselves through the graceful movements of ballet. Even if it’s just twirling around the living room with a pink tutu!
I know many of you, dear readers, are thinking “I wish I could twirl like a ballerina but…”. It doesn’t matter what your age, size, shape, or past experience. Ballet isn’t just a graceful dance, it’s a journey of self-expression, confidence and freedom. Remember: everyone has their own journey, and it’s not about perfection, but about embracing the beauty and joy of movement. And hey, if it makes you feel happy, fabulous and free, there's nothing stopping you from twirling your way into the world with a fabulous tutu of your own!
Well, I must confess, I'm absolutely knackered (totally a Britishism, you know I love them!). But tired, or not, I feel so very happy, my dear friends, happy to have shared this incredible day with you, to have brought a bit of the magic of Birmingham, and the magic of ballet, into your lives. Now, off to bed, to dream of pirouettes and elegant moves...until tomorrow!
Much love and twirls,
Emma x
P.S. Do any of you darlings have favourite places to twirl? Do tell me all about them, I'm always up for a bit of ballet adventure!