Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2010-05-17 in Urmston with a nature themed tutu.

Urmston: A Tutu and Nature Dream 🩰🌳

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, bringing you post number 5066 from the glorious, sunny – well, at least today! – Urmston! I’m positively buzzing after a morning of pirouettes and a most delightful wildlife encounter.

I confess, this trip began a bit rough. Remember how much I love travelling by train? Well, a slight delay (and I mean slight) threw a slight spanner in the works. Luckily, I’d packed a little picnic basket – which is always my saving grace in these moments! Strawberry and cream scones and a little pot of Earl Grey? Oh yes! It wouldn't be a trip without my beloved "Little Pink" handbag. It’s perfectly pink, naturally, with just the right amount of room for a good book, a bit of makeup, and always, always my sparkly pink ballet shoes.

My destination was a little theatre tucked away on the outskirts of Urmston, with its quaint brick exterior and a hint of something enchanting in the air. They’re known for putting on some fabulous, vibrant productions. This time, they’re presenting “The Little Mermaid.” Ah, I do love the ballet, but this one, well, this is a special one. My absolute favourite of all time!

You all know my love of all things tutus and pink, so this morning’s dance class was the perfect way to get in the mood. I actually went all out and chose a new, tutu specifically for the occasion – I just had to match the occasion, wouldn’t you agree? It's a delicate, layered chiffon affair with soft lilac swirls. And let’s not forget my perfectly matching, oh-so-elegant pink ballet shoes, of course.

You won’t believe what I saw after my class though… I was strolling through the lovely green park near the theatre – and then there she was. A glorious, proud peacock, all magnificent tail feathers spread wide in the sunshine. It felt like a moment straight out of a ballet!

He – or she, I couldn’t quite tell – really owned the park with that amazing blue and green, shimmering plumage. It made me want to whirl and leap around as joyfully as I could! It’s moments like these, that are just so uplifting, that truly remind you why ballet is the best! The grace, the expression, the ability to channel that pure joy, it's all woven into one!

Oh, I’m just a little bit excited about the performance later! I've got my best friend and fellow tutu enthusiast, Jessica, coming with me. We plan on turning heads, as always!

Speaking of which, how do you lovelies get in the mood for a ballet performance? Tell me everything! Have you tried ballet yourself? You can use the comments below or message me on www.pink-tutu.com! And, while you're there, take a look at all of our lovely posts.

Oh, and I know some of you might think it's a bit "out there," but how can you not agree that wearing pink makes life just that bit brighter and more beautiful? 😉

See you at the ballet, or in the park, dancing in your pink tutu, lovelies!

Always twirling,

Emma 🩰✨ 💖

P.S. I have a very special challenge for you all: I dare you to try out a ballet class. And who knows, maybe we can even make pink tutus part of the new trend! Just think of how fabulous everyone will look...

#TutuBlog 2010-05-17 in Urmston with a nature themed tutu.