Hello darlings!
It’s Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire pink tutu-loving ballerina, and guess what? I’m back on the road again! I just can't resist the call of the rails - there’s something so magical about journeying to new places, and, of course, sharing my passion for all things ballet along the way.
This time, I’m heading to the delightful seaside town of North Shields, a place known for its history, vibrant culture, and, I discovered, a real penchant for pink! (It may have been a slight exaggeration, but a girl can dream, right?)
I donned my favourite cyan tutu for this adventure - its beautiful, soft hue just seemed to be calling to me for this trip. I felt so elegant, whimsical, and perfectly suited to exploring a new place.
My journey began in the usual fashion, a beautiful sunrise setting the sky ablaze in a palette of pinks and oranges, almost as if to welcome me on my adventure. As I settled into my carriage, I couldn't help but smile - it was almost as though the train was already sharing my excitement, puffing along merrily, determined to get me to my destination. I always enjoy a good train journey, but there's something extra special about those that take you somewhere you've never been before.
Of course, no train journey is complete without some proper ballet viewing! I packed my copy of the "Giselle" DVD, the ultimate love story, with music that fills you with emotions ranging from joy to heart-wrenching sadness, and of course, a flawless and mesmerising story unfolding before your very eyes. What better way to pass the time? But let's be honest, I mainly use these journeys to admire my own reflection and the wonderful pink lipstick I've carefully applied!
A few hours later, and the seaside air had already become addictive. The sea, so blue, like a sapphire stretched out to the horizon, and I couldn't resist the pull to walk along the promenade, cyan tutu swaying in the sea breeze, catching the eye of a few curious passersby. A couple of them gave me an encouraging thumbs-up and a sweet lady, clearly in love with the colour pink (it's contagious!), said "You're gorgeous!" with a broad grin. It just proves: Pink tutu's make everyone happy.
North Shields was a treasure trove of delights! From the bustling Fish Quay, with its fresh catch and friendly faces, to the quirky independent shops filled with local crafts and treasures, each corner revealed a new charm. I was even lucky enough to stumble upon a charming tea shop called “The Pink Petal” – you guessed it! Pink walls, pink tables, pink everything! A true pink enthusiast's dream come true, and the raspberry cake, oh my, pure heaven!
But my real highlight was, naturally, the ballet! North Shields turned out to be a haven for passionate dance enthusiasts, hosting an absolutely stunning ballet performance of "Sleeping Beauty" in a quaint, historic theatre. Oh, I just adore the beauty and grace of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece! I practically floated out of that theatre, inspired, elated, and dreaming of spinning my way across the stage in my own tutu. I must try that arabesque I was just trying to perfect again as soon as I get home.
There is nothing that gives me quite the same feeling of bliss and excitement as seeing professional ballerinas in all their glory, but don't get me wrong, a community theatre ballet performance can be just as much fun and have a totally different, and just as important feel to it. And the audience are so supportive! All ages and abilities joining in with an appreciation of the magic of dance.
After a wonderful evening filled with laughter, grace, and a little bit of magic, I headed back to my hotel, still brimming with energy and excitement. The experience felt surreal, almost like I had stepped into a fairytale myself, where every moment was sprinkled with a touch of wonder.
Of course, no trip would be complete without a spot of wildlife-watching. On my journey back to my hotel, I stopped to admire the seals basking in the afternoon sun. Their sleek, elegant movements, the way they interacted with each other, they always reminded me of ballet dancers. They really do seem to be floating on air!
As the day drew to a close, I took one last lingering look at the sparkling blue sea, already plotting my next pink tutu adventure, perhaps on a trusty steed. A horse would be amazing!
And with that, it was time to retreat to my little room, where, surrounded by my beloved collection of tutus, I could finally relax and reflect on my magical North Shields adventure.
It’s true what they say, my loves: every day with a tutu is a good day! I hope my little journey has inspired you all to don your pink tutus, embrace your inner ballerina, and discover the magic that awaits you in the most unexpected places.
Remember: Ballet is for everyone!
Until next time, keep twirling!