Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-07-24 in East Ham with a pink tutu.

East Ham Adventures in a Pink Tutu! (Post #5499)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu enthusiast, Emma, back again with another whirlwind adventure, this time taking me to the lovely, vibrant borough of East Ham! I'm pretty sure this makes my 2,598th tutu outfit, which, as any true ballet devotee knows, is only just getting warmed up. 🩰

As you'll all know from my daily pink-tutu fuelled posts, (www.pink-tutu.com - did you remember to check in today?), my ultimate aim in life is to spread the joy of the ballet and convince every single one of you to embrace the gorgeous, twirling wonder of a pink tutu! 😉

It all started with a fleeting thought as I was chugging across the Derbyshire countryside, the view blurring into a green and grey canvas painted with a vibrant dash of wild poppies. The train tracks sang a rhythmic song that echoed in my soul, whispering sweet, nostalgic tunes of ballet class and that heady mix of sweat and satin. It was then I knew – East Ham, here I come! I had booked myself a ticket to see the most fabulous street theatre performance and the excitement was bubbling within me like a cup of the most exquisite tea.

With my trusty tote bag filled with a strategically placed hairbrush, a vintage ballet book, and of course, my ever-so-necessary pink tutu, I was ready to embrace the adventure.

As the train lumbered into East Ham station, a blast of sunshine kissed my face and I felt the city pulse with life, each heart beat drumming to the rhythm of this vibrant urban haven. My ballet-trained legs carried me swiftly through the streets, past bustling market stalls bursting with vibrant fabrics, fragrant flowers, and a treasure trove of spices that filled the air with intoxicating scents. I even saw a pigeon wearing a miniature pink tutu - it must have been an admirer of my blog, of course! 😉

My next stop? The magical, bustling realm of East Ham's charming market. You know I can never resist the lure of vintage gems and I am all about the second-hand lifestyle (did you see my "Sustainable Ballet" blog post - I think it was number 4769 - I was practically living off recycled sequins!) The colours were bursting to life, and each stall beckoned with the promise of a treasure. Of course, no market visit is complete without a spot of bartering, which is all about graceful hand gestures, an enthusiastic “Oooohhh!” or “Ooh, I like that, darling!” and the ultimate aim, securing a truly excellent bargain.

Now, the performance was set to take place in the heart of East Ham, where the cobblestone streets were adorned with intricate murals that were like vibrant brushstrokes painting a masterpiece of art onto the town. A buzzing energy crackled through the air and the anticipation was palpable. It felt like a ballet, with each performer the epitome of grace and power.

The performance was called "Flight of the Peacock" and was truly captivating! The story unfolded with intricate costumes, delicate yet powerful movement, and a story that touched my heart with its beauty. They used traditional folk music infused with modern sounds – truly enchanting! The dancers, adorned with colourful, feathered costumes that mimicked a peacock's feathers, moved gracefully, their limbs flowing like wind through branches. Their expressions, like whispers of stories yet untold, captured the spirit of the moment. It was truly mesmerizing.

I just had to stop myself from breaking into impromptu pirouettes as the music flowed over me. My toes were practically tapping on the cobbles! The magic of street theatre, where art takes root in unexpected places, reminded me once again why ballet and street performances hold such a special place in my heart. They’re the perfect dance partners - full of life and expression, bringing people together, weaving stories into the fabric of everyday life.

Oh, I simply must mention the horses! A majestic pair, sleek and gleaming, were part of the performance. It was the most incredible mix of street theatre, horse ballet, and music - a dream come true! I have a rather embarrassing confession - I may or may not have squealed a little bit. You all know I can’t help myself with beautiful horses and it's an ongoing goal to take some riding lessons.

Before leaving East Ham, I ventured to the charming "Little India" part of the town, with its delicious aromas and bustling shops filled with the brightest and boldest saris. I was instantly drawn to the energy and vibrancy of this little corner of India - just like my pink tutu! I think a splash of magenta or cerise might be making an appearance in my wardrobe very soon! 😉

But my adventures were far from over. It wouldn't be an Emma pink tutu day without some real ballet. I went to see the most amazing rendition of "Swan Lake" at a beautiful old theatre. Oh, I can't even explain how beautiful it was! Those swans were graceful, those tutus, gorgeous! They just oozed classic grace. And that famous white tutu… a sight to behold, simply spectacular! If you've never seen the original "Swan Lake," add it to your must-do list, darling! It was an absolute treat!

By the end of the day, my ballet-trained feet were ready for a rest, and a cup of fragrant jasmine tea was waiting for me. Looking at the shimmering moonlight painting the city with a gentle touch, I realised, East Ham truly held a magic of its own.

The city’s pulse throbbed with the same vibrant energy as the pink tutu, reflecting a joyous spirit that just made me want to pirouette under the moon, dance like a swan, and share the pure delight of ballet with the entire world. 😉

And you know what? I will.

This pink tutu adventurer is going to keep twirling and keep dreaming, and perhaps, just perhaps, one day the world will be dancing in pink tutus alongside me!

Stay tuned, my lovelies! Love and twirls,

Emma 💕🩰

P.S. Did you all get your tickets to my special performance next week in London? It’s a fusion of traditional ballet, a little bit of Indian dance, and a hint of the colourful East Ham energy! Let me know what you think. The website has all the details! www.pink-tutu.com ✨

#TutuBlog 2011-07-24 in East Ham with a pink tutu.