Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-08-07 in Walton upon Thames with a european style tutu.

Walton upon Thames: Tutu Travels, Post #5513

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, and guess what? I’m back from another whirlwind adventure, and it was totally pinktastic!

This time, I journeyed to Walton upon Thames, a delightful little town in Surrey, which you might not believe, was actually a mere 30-minute train ride from Derbyshire. Who knew there was so much charm hidden in the suburbs?

I arrived at the station with my trusty travel companion - my darling pink tutu, of course. Let’s face it, a tutu always makes a grand entrance, especially when paired with my floral print dress and trusty pink espadrilles.

Speaking of espadrilles, I have to confess, walking the streets of Walton was a tad on the hot side! Thank goodness I managed to find a charming little cafĂ© for a spot of afternoon tea with my fellow tutu-enthusiast, the delightful Miss Felicity. You just can’t beat the combination of clotted cream, cucumber sandwiches and a slice of Victoria sponge, washed down with a perfectly brewed pot of Earl Grey, while discussing the latest trends in tutu fashion, don't you think?

And you’ll never guess who else was there? Yes, you read that right, the majestic Mr. Wellington, a handsome Shire horse! (With the most amazing pink ribbon around his mane, wouldn’t you say?) I can't resist a lovely equine companion, especially if it's sporting a pink touch!

As the sun began to set, we hopped on a little horse-drawn carriage, pulled by another dapper stallion (oh the glamour!), and headed for the theatre. The show was a stunning performance of “Giselle,” and I have to admit, the sight of all those talented ballerinas floating across the stage with their exquisite tutus, just filled me with pure joy!

We continued the evening with a decadent supper at a charming French bistro, where I couldn’t resist the pink gnocchi - a perfect ending to a perfect day, really!

After a restful night at a lovely little B&B with its enchanting rose garden, we decided to venture into the heart of the countryside, venturing through fields of golden wheat and wildflowers, which made for a rather pinktastic photo op! Let’s just say, you won't see any ordinary flower arrangements on my Instagram feed anytime soon!

Of course, my travels wouldn’t be complete without a visit to a charming local ballet studio. Oh, the grace! The passion! The pure artistry! These wonderful young dancers really embody the joy and spirit of ballet, reminding me why I continue to live and breathe it every single day.

My last evening in Walton was spent by the River Thames, where we spotted some of the most fascinating swans and ducks I’ve ever seen. They just added to the already idyllic beauty of the town! As I sat by the riverbank, enjoying the soft sunset colours reflected in the water, I couldn’t help but think that Walton upon Thames was one of those truly magical places you can just feel the magic swirling around you!

Speaking of magic, I want to know
 have you embraced your inner ballerina yet? Do you think everyone could join the pink tutu revolution? It’s truly infectious! I believe we can all channel our inner grace and poise! So, whether you’re a seasoned dancer, a curious novice, or just someone who wants to inject a little sparkle into their day, give it a go!

Share your thoughts with me below, and until next time, stay pinktastic!


Emma x

#TutuBlog 2011-08-07 in Walton upon Thames with a european style tutu.