
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2011-12-24 in Wood Green with a cheap tutu.

Wood Green Wonder: A Tutu Tale

Post 5652

Hey darlings! It's Emma here, bringing you another fabulous day in the life of a tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, pink-obsessed adventurer! I'm currently perched on the window seat of my carriage, hurtling towards London, and yes, I'm wearing a pink tutu.

You might be thinking, "Emma, London! That's the big smoke! A little too much for a tutu, no?" Well, you're wrong, darlings! Because, believe it or not, the London Underground just got a whole lot more magical thanks to my fabulous new creation.

A Tutu On a Budget

Let me tell you a secret: the tutu you're picturing is not one of those fancy, poofy, couture things that costs an arm and a leg. This little gem was a vintage find, rescued from a charity shop in good old Derbyshire (my home county!). I added a couple of hand-sewn pink ribbons and some vintage flower embellishments I picked up at a market in Bakewell (you know, the place famous for pudding!) and voila - a tutu fit for a ballet princess!

Off to Wood Green

Today's destination? Wood Green, darling! It's all about experiencing the wonder of dance wherever it can be found, from the grandest theatre to a bustling high street. Today's mission? A ballet class! I spotted this little gem online - "Move & Groove" - sounding fun, energetic, and perfect for me. It even mentions tutus are optional. Now, why would anyone choose not to wear a tutu? Just think of all the fun, the twirls, the smiles...

Catching a Carriage

Anyway, back to my carriage journey. It's not exactly a horse and cart, but these train rides are just as magical, especially when you're adorned in a pretty pink tutu and your trusty travel journal. As I said, a bit of magic makes its way into everything. There's this cheeky sparrow outside the window who's having a right laugh at my tutu! He must think I'm the cutest thing ever. Who knows? Maybe he's secretly a dance enthusiast! (I once saw a whole family of birds doing an impromptu bird ballet on the Derbyshire Moors!)

Train Tracks and Tutu Thoughts

This is my favourite part of my journeys - that peaceful moment in between destination and arrival, where I can simply be, breathe, and watch the world fly past in a kaleidoscope of colour. What do I think about during these journeys? All sorts, really! Dance steps, choreography ideas, tutu design plans, pink outfits (pink everything, always!), places to travel next, amazing wildlife I've seen... all wrapped in the sweet, hopeful magic of a new adventure.

I might not be a professional ballerina, but this tutued journey of life has given me a gift. It's made me bolder, braver, and more open to the wonder in every corner.

Stay Tuned for More Pink-Tutu Adventures

Stay tuned, darlings, for the exciting adventures awaiting us in Wood Green! I'll be sure to update you all with photos and fun anecdotes. Until next time, may your days be filled with dance, joy, and pink tutus! Remember, life is a dance, so wear your heart on your tutu!




#TutuBlog 2011-12-24 in Wood Green with a cheap tutu.