
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-01-05 in Consett with a orange tutu.

Consett Calling: Tutu Time in the North!

Post #5664

Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident tutu enthusiast, back from a whirlwind adventure in the north! It's always exciting to escape Derbyshire for a bit and see what treasures the rest of the country holds. And this week, I landed in Consett, a charming town with a hidden artistic heart that truly surprised me.

You know how I always say, "Life is better in a tutu!"? Well, let me tell you, Consett definitely embraced the pink-tutu energy! I decided to wear my brand-new burnt orange tutu for this trip, you know, to inject some colour into the somewhat-grey January air. It was the perfect statement piece, a burst of sunshine amidst the Northumbrian drizzle (which, let's be honest, is practically a character in the region's lore).

As soon as I stepped off the train, the most adorable little vintage shop with a sign that said "Everything Pink" caught my eye! Talk about serendipity. I couldn't resist popping in, and, of course, emerged with a beautiful rose-pink scarf, a whimsical pair of pearl earrings, and a stack of old ballet books for my collection.

The town square was bustling with activity – families shopping, kids running around, and a fantastic group of elderly women having a very lively discussion (which involved plenty of hand gestures and excited chatter - I'm convinced they were talking about ballet!). I spotted a vintage horse-drawn carriage – not something you see every day in Derby! Naturally, I had to hop on for a tour around the town. It was the perfect introduction to Consett, seeing everything from the majestic Consett Park to the historical Derwentcote Ironworks (which, despite its rather grim name, had a surprising amount of charm).

Speaking of charm, I stumbled upon a local ballet school tucked away down a quiet street. I just had to go in and see what they were up to! The students were incredible. They moved with such grace and elegance, a reminder of how universal the magic of ballet really is. They were all ages, from tiny tots with bright eyes and even brighter tutus, to mature dancers with a quiet strength and focus. It filled my heart with joy to witness such talent and passion. The instructor was warm and welcoming, reminding me of all the reasons I fell in love with ballet in the first place. I might even try out their classes when I come back. Imagine, Emma the tutu blogger doing a guest spot in a Northern ballet class – a tutu tale for the ages!

My evenings in Consett were filled with vibrant entertainment. I went to see a stunning performance by the Consett Youth Theatre, a group of incredibly talented youngsters putting on a powerful and moving adaptation of β€œA Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The costumes were phenomenal – full of rich colors, intricate detail, and yes, you guessed it – even some pink! Afterward, I caught a local band playing some great covers in a cozy pub, the perfect blend of toe-tapping music and hearty Northern hospitality.

The highlight of my trip, though, was definitely a visit to the Consett Heritage Park. This beautiful expanse of woodlands, meadows, and winding paths offered a true escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It's hard to resist wandering through a nature reserve like that, isn't it? It was so tranquil. I took some gorgeous pictures of the breathtaking countryside (don’t worry, they’ll be on Instagram later!). And guess what? I spotted a whole family of red squirrels, their fluffy tails darting in and out of the trees. It's a sight that never fails to enchant me – so full of life and wonder.

My adventures in Consett have shown me, yet again, that ballet and tutus can be enjoyed everywhere, even in the most unexpected places. Consett embraced the spirit of creativity and artistic expression, just like any big city. It truly was a perfect reminder that every place, no matter how big or small, has its own magic to offer. So, wherever your travels may take you, remember to always wear your pink tutu and embrace the adventure. And, if you ever find yourself in the north, do me a favor and visit Consett. You never know what surprises it may hold, or what enchanting ballet moments you might find along the way!


Emma x

P.S. Have you started wearing your tutu yet? Let me know in the comments!

P.P.S. And don't forget to follow my pink-tutu adventures at www.pink-tutu.com!

#TutuBlog 2012-01-05 in Consett with a orange tutu.