Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-04-16 in Rugby with a german tutu.

Post #5766: Rugby with a German Tutu

Hello darlings! Emma here, writing to you from a quaint little café in the heart of Rugby, with the most charming floral wallpaper and a delightful china teacup nestled in my hand. Yes, you heard that right! Me, your resident pink tutu-clad ballerina, is in the home of rugby!

I know, it seems a bit odd, right? A ballet dancer in rugby town? But hear me out, this trip was inspired by a most peculiar chain of events that, well, let’s just say only someone like me could have woven together!

It all started with a post on a vintage clothing forum I follow. There was a picture of a stunning, antique tutu, a vibrant shade of fuchsia pink. I mean, picture a vintage, romantic tulle cloud, delicate hand-stitching, and a hint of the blush of a sunrise – absolutely exquisite! Of course, I had to have it.

Then came the discovery – it wasn’t just any old tutu. Oh no, this beauty was crafted by a renowned German costumer for the 1920s premiere of Tchaikovsky’s "Swan Lake". You could say I felt a bit like Cinderella, the way my heart leaped for this piece of history. But the problem? The tutu was on sale in Rugby, about 5 hours away from my Derbyshire home.

Now, as you know, I wouldn’t be caught dead in a car. Give me a train journey, the rhythm of the wheels on the tracks, the landscapes flitting by – pure bliss. Or, ideally, a graceful trot on horseback! (Although, getting a horse from Derbyshire to Rugby might take a bit longer

So, the train it was. And what a journey! As I sped past green rolling hills, the English countryside stretching like a dance floor for miles, my mind raced with ideas for the perfect photo shoot in Rugby, naturally incorporating the stunning tutu. I envisioned myself gliding between historical buildings, pirouetteing beneath the archway of a traditional market, maybe even chasing after a gaggle of rugby players (although perhaps not; they might not quite grasp the art of the arabesque!).

After a refreshing cup of tea and a piece of strawberry cake – a quintessential English treat, don't you think? – I emerged from the charming cafĂ© into the bright sunlit afternoon. Armed with my new, exquisite tutu and an abundance of optimism, I ventured into Rugby, ready to embrace this unexpected adventure.

There's a real charm to this town, don’t get me wrong, full of a quintessential English spirit – and plenty of opportunities for ballet inspiration! I visited the Rugby School, the birthplace of the beloved sport. Just picturing those playful boys practicing rugby moves on that very field sent a shiver down my spine.

The streets buzzed with a contagious energy. People wearing vibrant, sporting colours – I’ve always believed there's an underlying connection between the vibrancy of a rugby kit and a ballerina's pink tutu, don't you think? The strength and agility of rugby players resonates deeply with the grace and power of ballet, even if their mediums differ.

I managed to catch a thrilling, fast-paced rugby match. Let’s just say my own tutu began twirling with excitement as those powerful rugby players dashed across the pitch. Even in the heart of Rugby, I felt a surge of energy to bring more ballet to the world, a spark to ignite passion in hearts, and to perhaps even persuade the Rugby team to try out some ballet poses.

After the match, I found a charming spot beneath a grand, weeping willow tree in the centre of town. There, I performed my own unique “tutu-twirling” dance – a ballet of colour, romance, and of course, pink. It was pure joy to move my body in such an unexpected and delightful location, my graceful spins attracting intrigued stares and smiles from passerby.

As I said, this was all a rather unplanned adventure, fuelled by a love for vintage ballet and the excitement of exploring new corners of the world. And yet, what did I discover in Rugby? Well, maybe more than just a beautiful pink tutu!

Rugby showed me that ballet can find its way into any heart, and that beauty and art can be discovered in the most unexpected places. It reminded me that sometimes, the greatest discoveries happen when you simply follow your heart’s rhythm, and your tutu, wherever it may lead.

Until next time, remember to always dance your own way and, most importantly, wear pink!

With love,

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2012-04-16 in Rugby with a german tutu.