
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-07-26 in Whitley Bay with a yellow tutu.

Whitley Bay, a Breeze of Yellow, and the Call of the Sea (Post #5867)

Hello, my lovely dancers and tutu enthusiasts! Today I'm writing from Whitley Bay, a little seaside gem just a stone's throw from Newcastle, where the salty air and the rhythm of the waves have already got my heart dancing. It feels incredible to be by the coast after spending the last week in Derbyshire, a beautiful county with plenty of rolling hills and grazing sheep, but oh, to be by the sea again!

This trip to Whitley Bay is extra special, because itā€™s not just about the seaside bliss (though, let's be honest, thatā€™s definitely a huge draw!), itā€™s also about a very important mission. You see, dear readers, today Iā€™m attempting to conquer my fear of public transportation, and by ā€œpublic transportationā€ I mean the mighty train!

You might be thinking, ā€œEmma, a fear of trains? You, who loves travelling on horseback? You, who thrives on adventure?ā€ Well, dear friends, itā€™s true! For a long time, Iā€™ve been secretly afraid of trains. Something about their speed, their noise, and their seemingly unstoppable force leaves me feeling slightly faint, much like a dancer after a grand jetĆ©! However, Iā€™m on a mission to break down barriers and embrace lifeā€™s adventures, train travel included. So, today, Iā€™m bravely stepping onto a train for a solo trip to Whitley Bay.

After a little breakfast of oatcakes and strawberry jam (because who needs an elaborate meal before an adventure?), I set off for the station. And you know what? It went a lot smoother than expected. No sudden dizziness, no panic attacks - just me, a delicious scone with jam and cream, and the soothing rhythmic sway of the train! It turns out all it took was a good dose of pink courage and my lucky yellow tutu for this particular fear to disappear like a whisper.

Whimsical Whitley Bay

Now, where were we? Ah, yes, Whitley Bay. The moment I stepped off the train, the cool, crisp air whipped my yellow tutu into a delightful swirling frenzy, as if I was starring in my own seaside ballet. And Whitley Bay just seems to be made for ballet! The vibrant seafront, the quaint Victorian architecture, and the delightful smell of salty air are enough to inspire any dancer, wouldnā€™t you say? I immediately put my yellow tutu into action, spinning and leaping my way through the promenade.

It wouldn't be a proper beach day without a walk along the shore. Today, however, it was even better because of a cute, fluffy grey seal pup napping on a rock by the beach. A seal pup by the sea! This, my friends, is pure fairytale material! Imagine this, a charming ballet performed by sea nymphs, with a friendly, fluffy seal as the leading role. How perfect for a theatrical dream! I watched him nap for a while, capturing him on camera, then felt inspired to spin for him. He didnā€™t even stir!

Dance Fever on the Seafront

The real highlight of my Whitley Bay trip was a ballet performance happening on the beach! Now, imagine a group of young dancers performing on a sandy stage with the waves crashing behind them, a setting sun painting the sky in a magical tapestry of oranges and pinks, the laughter of children echoing through the airā€¦ It was absolutely divine! These dancers, their limbs reaching for the sky like elegant birds, performed pieces that felt almost otherworldly in this stunning setting. You could see their passion for the dance reflected in their bright smiles, their expressive movements. And as the final notes faded, I found myself deeply moved, and I knew, in that moment, that I had stumbled upon a magical, beautiful memory.

A Lesson Learned

Leaving Whitley Bay wasnā€™t easy. This little slice of seaside heaven had captivated my heart and soul. However, a small voice, one that had remained quiet in the midst of all this magical beauty, started to emerge again - my voice, my inner tutu-wearing dancer.

ā€œRemember that feeling of fear?ā€ it said. ā€œYouā€™ve embraced it and danced with it, youā€™ve taken control, and shown it whoā€™s boss. It doesn't have power over you anymore!ā€

And, I must admit, it felt pretty amazing to have overcome that small barrier, to have made that leap, to have been able to celebrate all the magic and beauty of the world while conquering my inner fears. Now, I just need to find a yellow horse that can pull me across the Derbyshire countryside!

Stay tuned for my next adventure, dear dancers! It's going to be one that's full of glitter, joy, and lots and lots of tutus. Don't forget to spread the pink tutu love and let your inner dancer shine!

Lots of love,


#TutuBlog 2012-07-26 in Whitley Bay with a yellow tutu.