Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2012-09-27 in Rhyl with a pancake tutu.

Rhyl Ramblings and a Pancake Tutu: Post #5930

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, and today, I'm bubbling over with excitement! Rhyl, a seaside town in glorious North Wales, beckoned me this week, and what a glorious adventure it was. Picture it: sunshine, sea breezes, and my trusty pink suitcase overflowing with… wait for it… pancake tutus!

Now, you're probably wondering what a pancake tutu is. It's a whimsical creation - layers of tulle the colour of sunrise, stitched together to resemble the delicate, golden folds of a perfect pancake. Honestly, I couldn't resist adding it to my travel wardrobe - perfect for a seaside jaunt. And let me tell you, it caused quite a stir.

Rhyl, nestled along the rugged Welsh coast, is a little slice of paradise. I spent the morning wandering the charming streets, dodging tourists (wearing more sensible attire than my pancake tutu, of course) and soaking up the sunshine. I even stumbled upon a cute little tea shop – everything about it was pink, right down to the teacups!

Of course, I couldn't resist heading for the beach. The scent of the sea always invigorates me - I could practically smell the salt air from the train carriage on my journey down. I danced barefoot on the warm sand, my tutu swirling around me like a graceful, pink cloud. It was the most delicious feeling!

That evening, a truly fabulous opportunity presented itself: a performance by the Royal Ballet at the Rhyl Pavilion Theatre. Now, for those of you who don’t know me well, I adore the Royal Ballet. They are the crème de la crème of classical dance - utterly divine! I snagged a front-row seat (all thanks to a friendly pigeon who dropped a half-eaten ice cream on a very impatient theatre-goer!).

The performance was spectacular - a captivating mix of strength, elegance, and exquisite artistry. I almost felt inspired to give up my day job and start my ballet career afresh! Seriously, you should see the grace of these dancers - it makes you want to move your body, get out of your chair and give it a try, doesn't it?

Speaking of movement, the Royal Ballet got me thinking about how wonderful it is to be mobile. You know how much I love the romance of travelling by train, the gentle swaying, and the panoramic views, and of course, I love the thrill of horseback riding – such freedom!

After my ballet-induced bliss, I returned to my little seaside hotel (you guessed it - the name was “Pink Shell”) where I spent the night surrounded by seaside mementoes I’d gathered: a seashell I discovered on the beach, a painted pebble from the local market, a piece of driftwood I picked up after the storm... Each little treasure whispers stories of adventure.

Leaving Rhyl felt bittersweet. The sun was setting over the ocean, casting long, shimmering shadows across the town. I waved goodbye as the train rolled out of the station. It felt like I was saying goodbye to a good friend.

The journey back to Derbyshire was spent thinking about all the things I loved about this little seaside adventure - the laughter, the dance, the sun, and, yes, the gorgeousness that is a pancake tutu. But, you know what really stuck with me? That beautiful performance - the pure energy of movement, the art of it all. It’s really got me wanting to slip into a tutu and start spinning!

Speaking of which, what if you, yes you darling, decided to try ballet yourself? It’s the most wonderful thing for your body and soul! Go on, have a go. Put on your pink tutu and twirl! You won't regret it.

Until next time, keep dancing!

Love, Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2012-09-27 in Rhyl with a pancake tutu.