Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-02-21 in Eltham with a purple tutu.

Eltham Calling! Tutu Adventures and a Purple Dream

Post number 6077

Hey lovelies! It’s Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed bestie, and guess what? I'm back with another whimsical tale of tutus, travels, and everything fabulously feminine!

Today's adventure took me to the charming town of Eltham, a hop, skip and a jump from the big smoke on a steam train! Can you believe I actually found a steam train that runs to this adorable corner of Kent? Talk about a fairytale journey!

The air was crisp, the sun was shining, and I was in my element. You see, I'm a total train enthusiast! Something about the rhythm of the rails and the puffing smoke just gets my heart aflutter. I can practically picture myself dancing on those carriages with a tutu fluttering in the wind!

Speaking of tutus, my trusty pink number (it's never not appropriate) got a day off! Today's ensemble called for a change! My purple dream of a tutu is finally complete!

I know you all love a good tutu transformation and I think I've finally created a masterpiece! This little beauty has layers of shimmering lilac tulle with an ombre effect that transitions into a dreamy violet shade. It’s pure magic, trust me.

Now, the whole idea was to head to Eltham to soak up the charming village atmosphere. My darling friend Sarah, who you might remember from our ballet trip to Edinburgh, decided to join me on this exciting escapade! You see, I’m a true believer in sharing the love of ballet and adventure with all my friends, tutus and all!

Eltham greeted us with open arms. The quaint streets lined with independent shops just begged to be explored, and oh, the flowers! I swear, the colours in the window boxes were as vibrant as my tutu. I practically frolicked like a sugarplum fairy!

Lunch was an absolute dream. We indulged in the most divine strawberry and champagne cocktails at a delightful little café – it was straight out of a movie. Sarah even convinced me to try their pistachio and rosewater cheesecake… I can honestly say, it was one of the most divine desserts I've ever tasted.

After lunch, we strolled down Eltham Palace's beautiful grounds, with their grand Elizabethan mansion and lush gardens. You'll be laughing but Sarah got me doing twirls for photos… well, let's just say it felt so good to let loose in the glorious sun and show off this amazing tutu! We might have been caught practicing some ballet steps. It’s like, if I’m in a beautiful place, I have to channel my inner ballerina, you know?

My inner wildlife enthusiast was thrilled, too, when we stumbled upon the beautiful Eltham Country Park. We had an adventure of our own exploring the woodlands and grasslands and had some truly hilarious bird watching sessions! (That bird we mistook for an owl for half an hour - hilarious! You guys will have to read about it in my next blog!)

So, my loves, today's Eltham adventure proves that happiness really is all about embracing your inner fairy princess and sharing the fun with your friends! If you’re reading this, don’t be shy about dressing up and channeling your own fairytale vibes.

And yes, I can hear you asking about this purple dream of a tutu. I have big plans for it! This one, my loves, is special. It has all the feels of a beautiful spring day in Eltham: delicate, graceful, full of light. I can just picture myself gliding through the Eltham Palace grounds in it! And guess what, if you're reading this, there might be a little surprise coming your way regarding the making of my new purple dream, so keep an eye out!

I leave you with this: life's too short for beige, so get out there and live life in a vibrant pink tutu! (And maybe even try on some purple, too!). Until next time, don’t forget to spread some tutu magic!

Love always,

P.S. Head to www.pink-tutu.com for more stories, dance inspiration and a behind the scenes look at the making of my latest tutus! Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any more tutu adventures.

P.P.S Have you worn a tutu recently? Did you love it? Did you learn some ballet moves? I would love to hear from you. Share your tutu stories!

#TutuBlog 2013-02-21 in Eltham with a purple tutu.