Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-02-22 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.

Hampstead Heaven: Pink Tutu on a Hilltop

Post 6078

Hello, my gorgeous ballet bunnies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure in the heart of London. As you know, a good tutu can make a trip anywhere in the world just that little bit more magical. So, it was only natural that I'd be sporting my newest acquisition: a shimmering, sunshiney orange tutu for my escapade to Hampstead.

This particular tutu was begging to be worn amidst the leafy green of Hampstead Heath. And trust me, it didn't disappoint. I just adore how a pop of bright colour can make even the most familiar places seem exciting. It's a bit like a dose of magic dust for your everyday!

This post is going to be a bit different - I’m ditching my usual format for a little while and just sharing some thoughts and photos about my adventure. So, put on your comfy pink fluffy slippers and settle in for a journey through Hampstead… in my orange tutu.

Tutu on the Tube

Let's begin at the beginning, shall we? This time, my mode of transport was the tube (as in the London Underground!). That was certainly a different kind of ride for my orange tutu, navigating the hustle and bustle of rush hour. You see, I love trains, but for travelling, my ultimate transport choice will always be the back of a trusty steed. Galloping through countryside, feeling the wind in my hair - it’s just perfect for any tutu wearer.

However, the underground did provide a fascinating opportunity to see people's reactions to my bold sartorial choice. The general public looked… bewildered, which was very much expected! To be honest, my confidence probably wouldn’t be so high if I wasn’t wearing the tutu – so thank goodness it gives me a bit of extra ‘Emma power’. There were also the few lovely ladies who seemed quite thrilled at the sight of a fellow tutu enthusiast – I even had one sweet old dear say, “I love your dress!” So, while not everyone understood the vision, some people definitely appreciated the art of tutu-wearing!

Hilltop Heaven

After exiting the Tube at Hampstead, I followed the winding streets to Hampstead Heath. This was the place that my heart truly wanted to share with this special tutu. With a little bounce in my step, I climbed up a steep, wooded path, my orange tutu catching the sunlight and catching the eye of every passer-by. The climb wasn’t easy, I tell you, but every bit worth it.

Reaching the top, I stood there on a high plateau, breathing in the fresh air and feeling like a fairy princess. From that viewpoint, all of Hampstead spread out before me: a sprawling city park with lush greenery, shimmering ponds, and old stone houses dotted in the distance. The whole scene looked like a picturesque setting for a fairytale.

As a ballet dancer, I have to say, it truly felt as though I was in one of the magical forests I dance on stage. Every branch, every hill, every winding path felt alive with its own kind of story. There was this one tree in particular, nestled in a hidden corner, that was just begging to be climbed. I imagine it would have made the perfect lookout point, watching over the bustling world below. (And of course, I’d need a tutu that twirled in every gust of wind) But alas, I didn’t bring climbing equipment, so I contented myself with a little pirouette underneath it's graceful boughs instead!

Afternoon Tea Delights

After taking in the view and reveling in the beauty of my surroundings, it was time for another Hampstead ritual: afternoon tea! I’ve been known to indulge in a spot of tea on my travels, but a proper British afternoon tea – especially one in a quintessentially English spot – is an experience to behold. I'd even tried some local delights, like the "Hampstead Heath Tea", with delicious homemade cakes and finger sandwiches. All the food had such beautiful pink detailing, making it perfect for my little blog.

Hampstead: A World of Wonders

I could happily spend hours walking around Hampstead Heath, discovering its nooks and crannies. From the stunning views over London, to the picturesque cafes, to the charming atmosphere, I couldn’t have picked a better place to enjoy my orange tutu.

There's just something about the energy of Hampstead that feels special, especially to me. Maybe it's the history of the place, maybe it's the art and creativity that floats in the air, maybe it's just the beautiful green spaces, but Hampstead seems to bring a sense of wonder and beauty that makes you want to dance!

Speaking of which, have I told you about the fabulous ballet performance I saw the other night at the Royal Opera House? I know, right?! I don't think there's anything more captivating in the world than watching the beautiful dancers swirling gracefully around the stage, and then heading backstage to meet them! It's magical. It inspires me to dance harder, practice harder and wear a tutu every chance I get.

You know, every ballet I go to seems to fuel my fire even more. If I can inspire just one person to try ballet or dance for a day, that will make me one happy, twirling girl! Just think of the benefits: the graceful movement, the elegance, the strength and confidence. Even a small leap in ballet can take you miles.

Let's Tutu-lize the World!

It’s about so much more than just the steps or the costumes. Ballet can open up a whole world of magic, adventure, and fun.

And as for those tutus…well, you know where I stand on those! In a world full of gray and dreary colours, I love how a pop of pink or a brilliant orange tutu can instantly add a splash of life and joy to your look. Every time I wear my pink tutu I feel like I’m helping make the world a bit brighter and a little bit more magical. Who wouldn't want that, right?

So my dears, I urge you, unleash your inner tutu queen! Don't let your inner ballet dancer languish! Let's bring joy to every corner of our lives and dance like nobody's watching… because even if nobody else is looking, you know your pink tutu always knows, and loves it!

See you next time, my loves, and happy tutuing!

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2013-02-22 in Hampstead with a orange tutu.