Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-02-23 in Sutton in Ashfield with a cyan tutu.

Sutton in Ashfield: A Day of Twirls and Twinkly Lights ✨ (Post #6079)

Hello my lovelies! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the lovely town of Sutton in Ashfield.

This is actually my second trip to this delightful Derbyshire town (although I’m definitely from the more glamorous Peak District 😉), and I'm so glad I decided to venture back. Let me tell you, Sutton in Ashfield knows how to keep a ballerina happy!

My journey started at my local train station. Oh, the joy of a train ride! With my trusty travel bag stuffed full of dancewear, notebooks, and of course, my beautiful cyan tutu, I settled in for a scenic ride. As I watched the countryside fly by, I couldn't help but think about the lovely little village tucked away in the heart of the county. You know, the kind where you can imagine tiny cottages with rose bushes trailing over white picket fences… perfect for a ballet dancer’s whimsical imagination!

My main purpose in visiting Sutton in Ashfield was a special ballet event. You see, there’s a gorgeous little theatre here, a proper jewel of a venue. Now, I know a few of you might not know the place, but let me tell you, this theatre is more than just brick and mortar. It’s a haven of magic and creativity – the kind that gets your heart thumping to the rhythm of a graceful pirouette.

The event I was attending was a special workshop focusing on character ballet. Now, you’re probably thinking, “character ballet?” Let me explain: It’s a type of ballet where the dancer embodies a character through their movements. Think fiery flamenco or graceful Giselle - you get the idea! So, picture me, in my cyan tutu, learning to express a mischievous spirit in a ballet called "The Goblin’s Waltz." It was truly a magical afternoon, and it’s honestly one of my favourite ways to delve deeper into the art form.

After the workshop, my stomach was grumbling. Thankfully, Sutton in Ashfield did not disappoint in the foodie department! I had a scrumptious little meal in a delightful cafe called “The Little Teacup”. It had everything a girly-girl like me could desire – dainty china, adorable cakes, and even a pink floral-print tablecloth! (Who could resist?!).

To end my lovely Sutton adventure, I took a walk in the stunning Sherwood Forest. And you guys, it was like walking straight into one of those classic fairy tales! Sun dappled through the leaves, and the ancient trees were like characters straight out of Robin Hood. Even better? I saw the cutest little robin hopping about, his tiny chest puffed with red feathers, looking right at me as if to say, “Good afternoon, ballerina!”

Of course, it’s not always all glitz and glamour on the road. My train journey back to Derbyshire was slightly delayed, which put a tiny dent in my perfect schedule. But even a slight inconvenience like a late train can’t ruin the day for this dancer! In fact, I got the opportunity to spend some time observing wildlife in a nearby field. Seeing the gentle horses graze in the afternoon sunlight really gave me a moment of calm and perspective. It’s important to remember the world doesn’t revolve solely around tutus and dance steps, right?

So, my sweet tutu lovers, here are a few key takeaways from my day in Sutton in Ashfield:

  1. Embrace the magic of smaller towns. Sometimes, the most magical experiences are found outside the bustling city streets. Don’t underestimate the charm of a lovely town like Sutton.
  2. Challenge yourself to learn something new. Every day presents an opportunity to expand your skills. Whether it’s character ballet or bird watching, keep an open mind and embrace the beauty of learning.
  3. Remember the simple joys. A delicious meal, a moment with nature, a warm cup of tea… these seemingly simple moments add up to make a happy life.

Now, my dears, go forth and spread the joy of ballet! I want you to embrace your inner dancer, no matter what size, shape or style you embody. And don’t be afraid to wear pink (or even a cyan tutu) – it's all about embracing the whimsical beauty that's within each of you.

Until next time, dance like nobody’s watching and live your dreams!

Yours in pink and twirls,

Emma xx

#TutuBlog 2013-02-23 in Sutton in Ashfield with a cyan tutu.