Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-05-08 in Dover with a american style tutu.

Dover Calling: Tutu Time in the White Cliffs!

#TutuBlog Post 6153

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, and you won't believe where I've just been... Dover! That's right, I've taken a little trip down to the South East coast, and oh my goodness, it's even more beautiful than I could have imagined.

My journey started, as it so often does, on the train. Now, I absolutely love travelling by train - there's something so romantic and freeing about watching the scenery whizz by. I snuggled up in my pink fluffy blanket (because a girl needs to be comfortable even when she's en route to an adventure!), sipped on a cappuccino, and marvelled at the green fields rolling past the window.

But the best part about this particular train journey was the arrival. Dover! It was like stepping into a postcard - the sheer white cliffs towering above the turquoise sea, the charming little seaside town with its cobbled streets and brightly coloured houses... It truly was a dream!

I felt a sudden urge to don my ballet shoes and pirouette down the pier. After all, what's more graceful and beautiful than a ballet dancer against the backdrop of the English seaside?

And wouldn't you know it, I just so happened to have the perfect outfit for the occasion! You know I love a good tutu, and this time I opted for my "American Dream" one. A bright pink, frothy creation with a touch of sparkly sequined goodness - a total statement piece! And it certainly caught some eyes, let me tell you. I got the most amazing compliments and smiles from passersby, some even attempting little twirls themselves.

This is exactly what I want my #PinkTutu campaign to do: inspire joy, laughter, and a little bit of twirling magic everywhere I go! I believe every single person has a ballerina inside them waiting to come out, and what better way to express that inner grace than with a beautiful, pink tutu?

Of course, my Dover trip wasn't just about twirling in a tutu! I explored the historic castle, taking in the breathtaking views from the ramparts. I also visited Dover's fascinating museum, learning about its crucial role in both World War II and as a vital port for trade throughout history.

However, Dover has so much more to offer than just its history. It’s the perfect place for those seeking some tranquility. I strolled along the beach, breathing in the fresh, salty air and soaking up the sun. The beach was perfect for some impromptu, bare feet, ballerina pirouettes and leaps - it felt as though the waves themselves were cheering me on!

I also managed to take a boat trip across the channel to the French coast. While the wind whipping around my face gave me a feeling of being truly free, the sea itself reminded me of something incredibly precious to my heart: our beautiful, diverse, natural world.

While my love for tutus and ballet will forever be strong, it’s always important for me to connect with the beauty around us. Whether it’s a shimmering, chalky white cliff or a swirling, magnificent seabird in the sky, our planet has so much to offer us!

And speaking of our beautiful planet, one thing I saw that brought a huge smile to my face were the adorable wild seabirds gliding and diving near the cliffs. They were truly magnificent in their grace and freedom. Seeing them reminded me so much of ballerinas: the perfect balance, the perfect coordination and the ability to float gracefully, defying gravity. They truly are the winged ballerinas of the world!

And did you know, Dover boasts an incredible range of wildflowers and greenery. I was mesmerized by the bursts of colours blooming in the fields and hedgerows. These delicate and vibrant little flowers remind me so much of the pink tutu movement. The pink tutu is a small but impactful expression of freedom, beauty, and joy. It’s a testament that just like wildflowers, joy and kindness can blossom in unexpected and vibrant ways, inspiring others to follow their dreams!

In my quest to bring more pink tutus into the world, I've also begun embracing a passion for inspiring more young people (and everyone!) to try ballet! This trip has shown me just how diverse and magical the world of ballet can be, and I’m committed to spreading the magic!

Dover, thank you for your beauty and inspiration. You’ve shown me just how much wonder awaits, and left me with a sense of inner peace, excitement and a yearning to embrace every graceful step along my own life's journey!

Until next time lovelies, remember to keep twirling!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com and check out my daily blog entries!

#TutuBlog 2013-05-08 in Dover with a american style tutu.