Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-05-10 in Deal with a german tutu.

Post Number 6155: Deal with a German Tutu

Hello my lovelies!

It's Emma here, your favourite Derbyshire-born tutu-trotter, bringing you a delightful dose of pink and pirouettes straight from the heart of…wait for it… Germany! Yes, I’ve hopped on a train (of course!), donned my favourite blush-coloured tutu, and embarked on a whirlwind adventure to discover the world of German ballet.

Now, let's be honest, I’ve been wanting to explore Germany for ages! Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated by the history, the culture, and of course, the fabulous fashion. (Imagine my glee when I stumbled upon a little shop in the heart of Berlin filled with the most exquisite pink tutus - talk about a fairytale!)

But what really sparked this journey was a rumour about a magical tutu in Germany. This wasn't just any tutu, oh no! This one, they whispered, had the power to make any dancer's dreams come true. Now, you know I couldn't resist that, so I grabbed my lucky ballerina shoes, kissed my Derbyshire rose garden goodbye, and set off on this extraordinary adventure.

The train journey was an absolute delight. The scenery outside my window was truly breathtaking. Green rolling hills dotted with charming little villages, sprawling forests whispering secrets in the breeze, and the occasional majestic castle guarding the horizon. My fellow passengers, charming German families, were a pleasure to share the journey with. A delightful old gentleman with a booming laugh offered me a plate of his homemade "Apfelstrudel", which I politely declined (I was saving room for the tutu-hunting mission, darling!).

When I finally arrived in the city of Berlin, I was simply amazed. The energy in the air was electrifying. The streets pulsed with life, vibrant colours, and the melodic rhythms of a thousand different conversations. As I navigated my way to the centre of the city, I couldn't help but smile - the atmosphere was infectious, reminding me of my favourite, whimsical ballets.

After settling into a charming, little hotel decorated in blush-pink (no surprise there!), I started my quest to find this mysterious, dream-making tutu. I asked around, enquired with the friendly locals (who all seemed delighted by my fascination with ballet), and even put up posters featuring a picture of my perfect pink tutu.

Finally, after a morning spent in the local parks, sketching dancers with my trusty pink sketchpad, my lucky break came! I was enjoying a cappuccino in a charming little cafe when I overheard two young ballet dancers discussing a beautiful tutu. "A tutu like a blooming rose," one exclaimed, "made of the finest silk, and as delicate as a feather". Well, how could I resist an opportunity like this?

With my heart pounding in my chest, I politely introduced myself, and oh, darling, let me tell you, their enthusiasm for ballet was as bright as the stars. They, too, were on a search! They had stumbled upon a rumour of this magical, dream-making tutu, a beautiful legacy of a famous ballerina from generations past, said to bring joy and success to its wearer.

Of course, I immediately offered my help! It didn't take long to realise we were searching for the same tutu. And that's how our adventure truly began! Together, we set off on a whirlwind journey across the city, uncovering hidden art studios, historical landmarks (that, surprise, surprise, had connections to ballet), and even meeting with a group of ballet enthusiasts who told us about a hidden attic in a forgotten theatre!

Finally, after an evening filled with anticipation and a healthy dose of pink cocktails (in honour of the search, naturally), we discovered it! Tucked away in a dusty box in that forgotten attic, hidden away in the most beautiful theatre, was a tutu, indeed a dream come true! The finest silk, delicate as a feather, with a delicate pink hue reminiscent of a rose, just like those dancers had described. This was no ordinary tutu, darling. This one had magic swirling within its silk threads, whispering dreams and wishes, the spirit of generations of ballet dancers!

Well, what can I say? It was like a dream! We all giggled, cried, and cheered, for the love of ballet. And guess what? They offered me the honour of wearing this magnificent, magical tutu. It was the most stunning sensation. My body seemed to move like never before. The fabric embraced my form, flowing with every pirouette. This wasn’t just a tutu. This was an extension of myself, an expression of passion, art, and love.

So, that's my adventure, my lovelies! It was truly a journey filled with wonder, discovery, and the most magical of all - the thrill of ballet, the thrill of a perfect pink tutu! The quest, you ask? It was all worth it!

So remember, embrace the love of dance! It can take you on extraordinary adventures. Get your pink tutus out, ladies. Don’t be afraid to try ballet, and who knows, perhaps you will discover a little bit of magic too!

Love always,


#TutuBlog 2013-05-10 in Deal with a german tutu.