Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-05-18 in Cramlington with a classic tutu.

Cramlington Calling! (Post #6163)

Oh darling, what a day! The sun was shining, the birds were singing (although to be fair, those birds probably think I'm the one making all the noise!), and this little pink flamingo (aka, me) was off on an adventure!

My trusty companion, a certain vintage-inspired pink tutu (we'll call him 'Mr. Fluffy') was packed in my travel bag, ready to grace the streets of Cramlington! Now, I know what you're thinking... Cramlington? You've been watching too much Geordie Shore! Don't worry, it's actually a delightful town, and believe it or not, there's a vibrant arts scene. (I mean, where there are dancers, there's always art, right? Even if it's just the art of getting into the splits without falling over...)

Getting to Cramlington was half the fun. Instead of the usual train journey, this time I decided to travel by horse! Well, I wasn't riding bareback, just a regular train carriage pulled by... drum roll ...a glorious horse-drawn carriage! It felt like a fairytale! The gentle clip-clop of the hooves was the most delightful music, and the gentle breeze whisking through my hair - a true fairy tale come to life. Plus, I was pretty sure the horse gave me a knowing nod as I took a peek at him through the carriage window! I wonder if he even knows that my favorite animal is actually a pink flamingo?! But more on that later...

Cramlington was bursting with lovely surprises! There's something about a town where everyone waves hello that just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. (Or maybe it was the sun… anyway, warm and fuzzy feelings were definitely involved!)

My first stop, of course, was a local dance school! It had the cutest sign, all adorned with glittery little ballet shoes. I just had to pop in and say hello, which naturally involved introducing Mr. Fluffy to the entire school. The girls were absolutely thrilled - especially the younger ones, who clearly saw me as some kind of ballerina superhero. Honestly, the only thing that could have made it better was if the school cat had been a tiny pink flamingo!

The school was actually giving a fundraising performance that night. Naturally, I was there front row center, tutu and all! They were performing a selection of classics: Swan Lake, Coppelia… and for their finale, they did an absolutely stunning routine inspired by The Nutcracker, all with pink tutus (even the boys! They actually looked quite dashing!). Honestly, I nearly jumped up on stage and joined them! The whole atmosphere was incredible - so uplifting and full of life! I even bought a hand-painted pink tutu to add to my collection – I'm convinced they are magical, darling. The more I collect, the better I dance, right?!

Later that evening, I popped over to Cramlington's fabulous town square for a bit of ballet street fun! Now, imagine this… the whole town center is transformed into a gigantic dance stage, with dancers of all ages and abilities performing, from beginners to professionals! I’m talking street performers, local groups, even people like myself (because who wouldn’t want to show off their pirouette in the middle of the street?!) There was music playing, laughter echoing, and people of all ages were watching and clapping, their eyes sparkling with joy. The energy in the square was infectious. A big shout-out to the adorable little boy I met who did a fantastic plié right next to me! It was like everyone was in a pink bubble of pure delight!

The whole day was such a whirlwind, darling. So many lovely people, such incredible dancing, such pure joy! But I have to say, it's moments like these that really make me realise why I do what I do! You see, I’m not just a ballerina… I’m also on a mission to bring joy, positivity, and yes, even a little pinkness, into the world. Because a little bit of fun, a touch of grace, and maybe even a fluffy pink tutu… they can make all the difference!

And to that, my darling, I say, *ta-da! *

Until next time, keep on dancing!

P.S. Be sure to check out my website for pictures of Cramlington's ballet street performance! I even snagged a selfie with Mr. Fluffy, in the background of the beautiful town square!

Don't forget to share this post with your friends! The more pink tutus the merrier! #PinkTutuLife #DanceWithJoy #SpreadThePink

#TutuBlog 2013-05-18 in Cramlington with a classic tutu.