Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-07-02 in Westminster with a green tutu.

Westminster Whirlwind in a Green Tutu! (Post #6208)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer, Emma, reporting live from the bustling heart of London! Oh, the excitement! Today was a whirlwind of tutus, trains, and, dare I say it, a touch of green!

I know, I know! Green? On me? Shocking, I tell you! But, hear me out
 this wasn't just any green tutu. This was a creation that had me practically twirling with delight, like a ballet ballerina who'd just scored the lead role in Swan Lake. It was the perfect combination of chic and whimsical, with an emerald green base that shimmered in the sunlight and a delicate tulle overlay that felt like a whispered dream. Honestly, I think it was destined to take on London.

Now, getting to London was quite the journey in itself. Instead of the usual train from Derby, this time I opted for a rather more, shall we say, eco-friendly option - horseback! It was an absolute hoot! Galloping through the Derbyshire countryside, feeling the wind in my hair, my tutu billowing behind me like a giant, whimsical green cloud
 Pure bliss! The horses were magnificent too, two gorgeous creatures named Belle and Zephyr, who patiently let me hold onto their reins with one hand whilst perfecting my grand jetĂ© (I hope I’m doing the French pronunciation right! grin) in the other.

London welcomed me with open arms. It wasn’t the first time for this little Derbyshire girl, but this time felt different. I was armed with my green tutu and ready to take on the city, like a pink flamingo conquering a concrete jungle.

First on my itinerary was the grand, imposing Royal Opera House. It felt like stepping back in time. I just adore the history of ballet. How incredible it is to imagine the incredible dancers from years past strutting their stuff right there on that same stage! And, naturally, a performance wouldn't be complete without my trusty green tutu. You bet it was the highlight of the show – at least according to the little girl who gave me the biggest smile when I bumped into her in the lobby!

I may not have been performing, but you can bet I was twirling, dancing, and even did a few à la seconde in the stalls, right before the curtain went up (my tutus always come with a sprinkle of magic, darling!), leaving a trail of glitter and happiness wherever I went! The ballet, “The Sleeping Beauty” was enchanting, with intricate choreography, lavish costumes, and of course, some incredible pointe work!

Speaking of magic, it led me to my next stop: The Natural History Museum. Oh my, I absolutely adore all things wildlife. The museum is a wonderland of skeletons and taxidermied animals, with the dinosaur halls and the vast collection of butterflies that have me entranced every time. But what really stood out today were the seals! Oh my, these furry fellas were like a ray of sunshine in my heart! So graceful, playful, and so beautifully suited for a tutu-clad ballerina like myself! Imagine them dancing around the penguin enclosure. A green tutu would look divine on those elegant creatures. Now that's an idea for a blog post!

After my visit to the museum, I needed to refuel with some proper London treats. Now, there's nothing like afternoon tea to make a girl feel fancy. But this wasn't just any ordinary tea. Oh no! It was tea at The Savoy Hotel, one of those grand old dame buildings with beautiful dĂ©cor and exquisite finger sandwiches. I’ve heard so much about their high tea that it’s been on my bucket list for years. I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the choices (because everything looked so yummy!) and even had to stop myself from grabbing all of the delectable pastries and cakes. It was all about living the high life. Oh, and of course, the green tutu was there to add some colour! It always adds a little extra sparkle to everything I do.

By this time, my energy was slowly depleting, and the green tutu was starting to feel like a slight weight, but I had one final treat: A glorious picnic by the River Thames. It felt like the perfect end to a magical day! There I sat with my little basket of treats, just me and the River Thames, surrounded by the green banks, all adorned with the greenest tutu I've ever owned. The sunset was simply breathtaking.

The city of London will never cease to amaze me, with its charm, its energy, and, yes, even its greenery. The only thing missing was a few other tutu-wearing ladies joining me on my adventures. I mean, imagine a bunch of us waltzing across the London Eye, or perhaps taking a spin on the Tower Bridge? Oh, what fun we could have! Now I just need to convince everyone in London, and maybe the entire country (maybe even the world! One can dream!) to embrace the magic of tutus.

Until next time darlings! Let’s all go on an adventure! And please, don’t forget to wear your pink tutu! It just makes everything so much brighter, more fun, and well, just
 more pink!

Stay gorgeous, Emma

P.S. Don't forget to check out my website: www.pink-tutu.com! There's plenty of photos from my adventures, tutus to inspire, and of course, lots of ballet inspiration. We'll even give you the latest gossip on the latest ballet show or the hottest ballet shoes on the market! Come on in, you won’t be disappointed!

#TutuBlog 2013-07-02 in Westminster with a green tutu.