
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-08-17 in Hastings with a white tutu.

Hastings, My Dearest: A Pink Tutu Paradise (Post #6254)

Sunshine, sea air, and a little white tutu - that's what Hastings had in store for me today! My heart is absolutely overflowing with joy, not only because of the glorious weather (finally!), but also because this quaint little seaside town seems tailor-made for twirling.

Just a short, sweet train ride from my Derbyshire home (the train journey itself was a joy - watching the countryside roll past is a magical way to travel), and I was greeted by Hastings' charming harbour. Honestly, you could practically hear the music in the air as I skipped off the platform and towards the beach, feeling like I was stepping into a ballet set!

Now, I must confess, the seaside is my absolute weakness. There's just something so whimsical and enchanting about it. The salty air, the sound of the waves, the smell of fish and chips (don't judge - it's the perfect seaside snack!) - it's all utterly irresistible. And I think it's because of that magic that this tiny town of Hastings just seems to understand me.

As I strolled along the beach, the bright pink stripe running across my white tutu catching the rays of the sun like a miniature rainbow, I couldn't help but think that every little corner of this place was made for dancing. There were even some children on the promenade, attempting some ballet moves to the tune of an ice cream van jingle! Now that's my kind of street performance. I swear I saw one little girl even attempting a pirouette while clutching her cone of vanilla ice cream. Don't worry, love, I was ready with a bouquet of virtual flowers and a mental standing ovation for that fearless, little ballerina in training.

After a leisurely stroll by the seaside and some perfectly timed, Tutu-tastic photographs (more about those on my Instagram later), I decided it was time for a spot of lunch. Naturally, my destination was the 'Seagull's Nest' cafe. With its stunning views of the sea, delicate china teacups, and impossibly delicious afternoon tea (featuring tiny finger sandwiches, dainty cakes, and of course, pink macarons), I was completely transported. It's moments like this that truly make me feel like I've landed in some kind of whimsical fairytale.

As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the sea, I decided to take a short, gentle horseback ride. Yes, you heard right! Horses. It seems this little seaside gem also understands my love for all things equine! I swear, every place I go seems to have a horse-drawn carriage waiting around the corner! I mean, who can resist a lovely carriage ride by the sea, wrapped in a pink shawl with a flowing pink tutu, and a beautiful white horse pulling me gently along? No one, that's who.

While riding, I spotted a beautiful butterfly with wings of shimmering blue, just a beautiful pink patch on one side, reminding me that nature itself wears a hint of my favourite color! That's when it hit me: I could tell a whole story about this day through just colour and a touch of my personality. It was a ballet performance through the sunshine, a twirl through the beach, a dance on a horse, a butterfly, and a pink teacup in the sea-air.

My afternoon was rounded off with a delightful show at the Hastings Ballet School. These talented young dancers, from tiny tots in pink tutus to elegant ballerinas, absolutely stole the show with their captivating performances. They showcased a captivating variety of styles and disciplines - everything from the classic Swan Lake to some breathtaking modern contemporary ballet - that left me completely mesmerized. It's truly a joy to see young aspiring dancers finding their passion and bringing their artistry to life on stage.

The last dance of the show was a graceful pas de deux (that's a duet in French!), performed with such finesse and precision. It was like watching a fairytale unfold before my eyes. Their steps, as light as feathers, mirrored the movement of the waves gently lapping against the shore just outside.

Honestly, as I wandered back to the station to catch my train, I couldn't stop smiling. Today in Hastings, my heart was full of sunshine, sand, and endless twirls. The place really does understand how to get me into the best mood. And that's something I try to bring to my life every day. Remember, lovelies, with a pink tutu, some positive vibes, and a bit of sunshine, any place can be a paradise for a twirling ballerina!

And what's a ballet blog without a little homework, right? Don't forget to let me know what your favourite beach is in the comments below! What's your ultimate seaside memory, and are there any little town gems that you just have to tell me about?

Till tomorrow,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2013-08-17 in Hastings with a white tutu.