Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-09-04 in Chatham with a stiff tutu.

Chatham Calling! 🩰 (Post #6272)

Oh, darlings, you won't believe the adventure I had yesterday! A quick hop on the train, a whistle of the engine, and I was whisked away to the charming town of Chatham. It's like a little pocket of history and beauty, tucked away in the south east of England. My heart simply skipped a beat the minute I arrived - there's just something magical about discovering a new place.

But I wasn't just on a sightseeing spree, no, I had a mission! You see, my darling friends, the "Spread the Tutu Love" movement continues apace! Today's mission? To grace the cobbled streets of Chatham with my favourite shade of pink and a tutu that would make even a swan jealous. And trust me, it was stiff. That's the secret, you know - the stiffer the tutu, the grander the statement!

First stop was a visit to the captivating Chatham Historic Dockyard, where I had my own mini ballet performance. I practically glided across the cobbled streets with my pink tutu billowing behind me, feeling like a Victorian ballerina waltzing through time. I swear the ghosts of old sea captains (or were they just impressed onlookers?) clapped along!

I even had a delightful little encounter with some very friendly peacocks strutting their plumage (very much the ballerinas of the bird world, I’d say) in the Dockyard Gardens. We all (me and the peacocks, don’t worry the peacocks had plenty of space, we're all about space in the ballet world) had a lovely chat (you know, a quiet “well met” kinda chat - we didn't speak each other’s language exactly but we communicated!), and they even admired the tutu - or at least, they preened a little more when I twirled, I like to think so anyway.

Speaking of tutus, it was the tutu, the one. A cloud of pastel pink with just a hint of glitter - a dream come true for this ballet-obsessed girl! It did make navigating the cobbled streets a little interesting (imagine walking in high heels - just on a much bigger scale!).

Next, it was time for some authentic, British-style fish and chips, tucked away in a cosy cafe by the river. I’ll tell you, darlings, they say ballet dancers are graceful - well, that goes right out the window when you’re trying to gracefully negotiate a plateful of steaming hot fish and chips.

Later on, I stumbled upon a quaint, little vintage shop filled with treasures from a bygone era - just the perfect spot to add to my ever-growing tutu collection! I'm afraid the pink-tutu obsessed girl in me had to have a certain lace-trimmed number with delicate, swirling patterns, perfect for the upcoming Autumn ball. Oh, it’s going to be absolutely sensational!

Finally, the day culminated with a trip to The Brook Theatre, a place that just oozes with creative energy. Imagine, darlings, a charming, little theatre, full of laughter and applause, showcasing an eclectic mix of dance, drama, and music. The air buzzed with the thrill of artistic expression - it was simply infectious. I actually saw a charming, impromptu, little ballet show, not by professionals (though they would have made me feel quite self conscious about my "ballet") , more a bunch of kids and teens giving their best. Absolutely beautiful, full of energy and exuberance, the kind of thing that truly makes you feel proud to call yourself a part of the world of dance.

Chatham, my dear, you were a revelation! From cobbled streets to the thrill of theatre, and peacocks in their own private ballets (just kidding darling, we don't want them to get stage fright - we're so much more gentle with our peacocks!) this little town filled my heart with such joy. And my mission, you ask? Spread the Tutu Love, of course! With each twirl and giggle, with every smile I met on the streets of Chatham, the pink tutu became a symbol of pure happiness, joy, and a reminder that dance truly connects us all, making the world a brighter place one twirl at a time.

Until next time, darlings, stay pink! 💕

Emma x

#TutuBlog 2013-09-04 in Chatham with a stiff tutu.