Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-12-20 in Laindon with a european style tutu.

Laindon Calling! A European Tutu Adventure (Post #6379)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, bringing you a sprinkle of pink and a whole lotta twirls straight from Laindon! Yes, I know, you're probably wondering why I'd choose a little town in Essex for a blog post. Well, prepare to be swept off your feet, my dears, because this trip was all about finding a new way to express my love for ballet - with a European twist, of course!

This little escapade began in Derbyshire, where I hopped aboard the cutest little train you ever did see! Oh, how I adore train journeys! The gentle sway, the clatter of the wheels on the tracks, the whiff of old leather and coal... pure magic. I settled into my carriage, wrapped myself in my cashmere shawl, and daydreamed of all the fun I'd have in Laindon.

Laindon greeted me with a charming mix of old and new - cobbled streets leading into vibrant, modern buildings. And of course, there were those wonderful shops with the most gorgeous displays, the perfect setting for me to unleash my inner magpie. I knew exactly where to head - a lovely boutique with a sign that read 'La Vie en Rose'. My heart skipped a beat - I practically flew into the shop!

Imagine, if you will, a wonderland of pinks, ruffles, sparkles and... tutus! This was no ordinary boutique - this was tutu heaven! I felt like a princess exploring a secret wardrobe filled with the most amazing tulle creations. And it was there, amidst all the floral prints and satin ribbons, that I found the perfect tutu for my little Laindon adventure.

Think of a European ballerina - but in a playful, modern way! This tutu wasn't your typical grand, classic ballerina tutu, it was all about fun and flair! The tulle was a dreamy shade of dusky rose, so romantic, with intricate lace detailing along the edge, just the slightest hint of bohemian chic. And of course, a hint of pink – a blush-toned silk ribbon threaded through the skirt, matching perfectly with my signature pink blush.

With my European tutu tucked under my arm (and a new bottle of perfume to boot, 'Rose De Vie' - perfect, no?) I embarked on the best part of my day – a leisurely stroll through Laindon's vibrant market. The colours, the smells, the atmosphere – it all felt so inspiring! It's just so amazing to find the ballet and fashion connections in the most unexpected places.

A young boy with twinkling eyes spotted my tutu, his smile infectious. “Are you a ballerina?" he asked, his eyes wide. My heart melted, “Well, yes, I’m trying my best to be a graceful one! ” I winked, “Why don’t you try spinning in a tutu yourself?”

This started a hilarious mini-tutu competition, me trying to out-twirl him and him trying to spin faster than a top! It was the sweetest thing, and reminded me how much joy ballet brings, not only to me, but to those around me.

Now, I know, my friends, some of you might be thinking "Laindon?! Isn't that a little...well, unexciting?" But that’s the beauty of life, darlings, it's all about finding beauty in the ordinary. Even in a little town in Essex, I found inspiration, and a tutu so lovely it could make even the most ordinary day feel like a dream!

Later that afternoon, I treated myself to a cuppa and a slice of Victoria sponge cake at a quaint little tearoom called 'The Lavender Cottage.' While I sipped my tea, I couldn't help but doodle ballet sketches in my notebook, using a new pen I found at a stationery shop just down the road.

One of my greatest loves, my darlings, besides ballet of course, is exploring the countryside. I decided to hire a horse and ride out to Laindon Common. The sun was setting, painting the sky in fiery oranges and reds, and the soft glow reflected on the horses' coats. There’s nothing like the freedom of galloping across a field on a crisp December day, with a whiff of autumn leaves and the sweet smell of hay in the air.

The rest of the evening was filled with the sounds of classical music. I ventured into a charming little theatre – a haven of plush velvet seats and golden details – and watched a ballet production by a local dance company. Even though I've danced my whole life, there’s something so magical about watching a ballet performance, and feeling the energy of the dancers as they weave their stories with movement.

As I sat on the train back to Derbyshire, my European tutu tucked beside me, I realized this little adventure was all about finding those precious little moments, the hidden jewels, that remind us of the beauty of everyday life. It reminded me that a tutu can transform any ordinary day into a fairy tale - just like Laindon transformed itself from a sleepy little town into a magical ballet wonderland for me.

So my darlings, as always, I leave you with this – never stop looking for those magical tutu moments in your lives, and don’t be afraid to find your own ballet-inspired adventures! Until next time, may all your days be full of twirls, sparkles, and lots of pink!


Emma xx

P.S. Be sure to visit my website www.pink-tutu.com for even more fun, fashion, and ballet adventures!

#TutuBlog 2013-12-20 in Laindon with a european style tutu.