Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2013-12-21 in Llanelli with a german tutu.

Llanelli: A Pink Tutu Adventure!

Hello my darlings!

Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu aficionado, back with post number 6380! I’m writing to you today from the vibrant little town of Llanelli in Wales. Oh, it's so different from my home in Derbyshire! It feels like stepping into a beautiful old postcard - cobbled streets, charming independent shops, and a really friendly atmosphere.

It all started with my love for all things ballet. This little town has a thriving ballet scene and I had heard whisperings of a fantastic show happening in the town hall. You know I love nothing more than catching a live performance and immersing myself in the world of dance. This time though, it was even more special. This show, you see, featured the talented, oh so stylish dancers from the Welsh National Ballet. They were performing 'The Nutcracker', which is, in my opinion, the most magical ballet of all!

Now, as you know, I’m not a stranger to travelling for ballet. And believe me, this trip to Llanelli didn't disappoint. I felt the magic of the day already as I climbed aboard the train. I love those big, old carriage windows, watching the countryside rush by. The wind tousling my hair, the warmth of the sun on my face - pure bliss. It made me feel like one of those whimsical figures from my favourite story books.

I packed for Llanelli with my pinkest outfit, of course, but also with a very special new tutu. This one had a certain je ne sais quoi – I’d picked it up from a little German boutique. I imagined waltzing across the stage in it, or maybe performing a pirouette for all to see. In reality, I only ended up spinning around my room, because hey, you know me - a little twirl can brighten even the cloudiest of days! And anyway, a good pirouette always warrants a photograph - think of my followers back home on www.pink-tutu.com. It wouldn't be a true adventure without some documentation, would it?

Anyway, after a very enjoyable train ride, I finally arrived in Llanelli and my excitement really started to simmer! As soon as I stepped off the train, the friendly townsfolk welcomed me with open arms. Everyone was so friendly and chatty. And what a gorgeous place Llanelli is! I love the historical architecture and the green spaces. They remind me of my favourite ballet scene, the one set in a grand forest. I even spotted a cheeky squirrel darting across the street, reminding me of the playful characters in some of my favourite storybooks.

And now onto the main event: the ballet performance. Oh, what a wonderful experience! I gasped when the curtains went up, mesmerised by the dazzling sets and costumes. It was such a fantastic interpretation of 'The Nutcracker' - every gesture was graceful, every dance move powerful, every piece of scenery like a glimpse into a fairy tale.

But you know what was the best part of the whole show? It was seeing the dancers truly embrace their passion. The smiles on their faces, the joy in their eyes as they danced… I felt the emotions flow through me like music. I saw the awe in the children's eyes, and felt the same thrill myself!

Llanelli definitely knows how to put on a good show! I stayed at a gorgeous little bed and breakfast called The Pink Rose, fittingly, surrounded by the prettiest rose garden imaginable. A little pink touch to end my pink day. They even served me a delightful breakfast with strawberries and cream!

My trip to Llanelli wasn’t all about ballet though, I had some truly unique experiences. Did I tell you about the beautiful lake? You could actually ride horses around the water! I have a real love of horses and I even tried to pick out one that matched my outfit. Sadly, it seemed they only had brown, white and black! What's a ballerina to do?

I did however find a wonderful little boutique tucked away down a charming alleyway called "Twirling Tutus" (isn't that so fitting for a girl who lives for tutus?) where I found the most gorgeous pink scarf - you have to see it, it matches my new pink boots perfectly!

My journey back on the train was also a little different from the way I came. As the sun started to set, the carriages became bathed in a beautiful golden light. It made me feel so serene and content, just like the moments right after a perfectly executed ballet routine. It made me think about the special place that dance holds in my heart. It's more than just a passion for me - it’s a lifestyle.

I’m going to leave you with a thought – let's all spread the love of ballet. Who knows, you might discover a secret talent within yourself. If it doesn't happen while wearing a pink tutu, then how will it ever happen?! Don’t be shy - join me in this joyous celebration of movement, art and a little bit of twirling! Until next time, keep twirling, my darlings!

With love and twirls,


P.S. Remember to check out www.pink-tutu.com every day for more of my pink tutu adventures and tips for the best way to twirl through life!

#TutuBlog 2013-12-21 in Llanelli with a german tutu.