Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2014-08-22 in Cleethorpes with a red tutu.

Cleethorpes in a Red Tutu - Post #6624

Hey, darlings! It's Emma here, back with another adventure from my fabulous world of pink tutus and ballet bliss! Today, I'm whisking you away to the beautiful seaside town of Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, a little seaside gem tucked away on the east coast. This week I've been taking a break from my usual whirlwind schedule of London ballet performances and classes to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet, the gentle sea breeze, and a spot of wildlife spotting. But don't worry, my dear readers, even on holiday, I can't resist a bit of pink!

You see, my trip to Cleethorpes was all about stepping outside of my comfort zone (slightly) and venturing into the unknown, which, of course, involved a pink tutu, naturally. Now, my lovely followers know that my colour of choice is a glorious shade of pink. However, for this journey, I felt the call of something bold, something striking, something with a touch of drama. Enter: the red tutu. It's fiery, it's passionate, it's a statement piece, and I have to say, I felt like a total diva wearing it amongst the bustling Cleethorpes crowds.

Now, imagine this: the salty air whipping through your hair, the sun on your face, the scent of freshly caught fish mingling with the sweet, almost cotton-candy-like smell of candy floss... I know, it sounds pretty magical! And as I waltzed along the promenade in my crimson tutu, I felt like I was dancing my way through a scene from my favourite classic ballet!

The sea was absolutely divine – turquoise waters shimmering in the sunshine, playful seagulls squawking their greetings, and children squealing with delight as they splashed about in the waves. It was such a peaceful scene, and it was the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a cuppa. I sipped on my tea (Earl Grey with a squeeze of lemon, of course) while I sketched the scene in my little travel journal – a vibrant blend of colours and textures. And you know what? My sketching felt so much more inspired thanks to the added touch of the crimson tutu. It was just that little something extra that gave my art a burst of passion and energy.

I also ventured into the heart of Cleethorpes and explored its hidden gems. The Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway, a vintage railway journey along the coastline, felt like something straight out of a classic film. The charming old-world feel of the station, with its red brick and gleaming brass, reminded me of an old-fashioned adventure, and the steam engine chugging along with the gentle rhythm of the rails created the perfect ambiance for a nostalgic escape. Of course, no trip to Cleethorpes is complete without a visit to the magnificent Cleethorpes Aquarium! It was amazing to see the wide array of sea life, from playful seals and sassy jellyfish to curious clownfish and majestic sharks. Each tank was like stepping into a whole new underwater world.

Now, speaking of new worlds, the other highlight of my trip had to be the Humber Bridge. This mighty structure stands tall as a symbol of human achievement and, let's face it, looks quite magnificent from afar! I mean, honestly, there’s something about giant structures that get my creative juices flowing, especially when they look so graceful and powerful against the backdrop of a vibrant blue sky. And of course, my red tutu added a touch of whimsical flair to my bridge-gazing moment.

I also fell in love with Cleethorpes’ pretty cobbled streets and historic buildings. I loved wandering through the vintage shops, searching for forgotten treasures and finding a cute pink feather boa, the perfect little souvenir! I discovered the most delightful little tea room nestled away on a side street - the kind that looks like it hasn’t changed for decades. I devoured a delicious homemade Victoria sponge with a generous helping of clotted cream. I might have just about inhaled it - the good old Derbyshire girl in me never passes up an opportunity for a cream tea, you know? The whole afternoon felt so sweet and old-fashioned – exactly what I needed after a busy week in the city.

As for wildlife, Cleethorpes was an absolute treasure trove of creatures. I found a charming little seagull nest with cute fluffy chicks huddled close to their parents – talk about heartwarming! I also got to see some of the famous Cleethorpes seagulls in action! It’s amazing how these birds, often seen as pesky creatures, can be such captivating characters when observed closely! I spent a good hour simply watching them dive for scraps and swoop around, making a joyful cacophony of squawks and whistles! They have this incredible ability to weave through the air with such effortless grace – almost like dancers in their own aerial ballet!

This is just a glimpse of my magical Cleethorpes adventures. The little seaside town captured my heart and gave me a taste of peaceful escapism – all in a glorious blend of pink, red, and sea air! Oh, and I’m delighted to announce that I discovered the most amazing ballet studio right in the heart of Cleethorpes. I couldn't resist taking a class and twirling with the locals. The studio was just charming – adorned with ballerina posters and bursting with warm, cheerful energy. The instructor was fantastic – so encouraging and passionate about ballet, you couldn’t help but fall in love with the elegance and artistry of dance!

So there you have it, darlings! Another magical chapter in my pink-tutu adventures! I hope you've enjoyed this little peek into my world of pink and twirling.

Don't forget to join me again tomorrow, where we'll be exploring a different corner of this wonderful world of ours, maybe even learning some fun ballet moves. Until then, happy twirling and remember, if you dream of a life full of colour and joy, pink and dance, just dare to wear a pink tutu!

And never forget: Every day can be a ballet, darlings!

Much love and twinkling toes,

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 2014-08-22 in Cleethorpes with a red tutu.