Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad adventurer, Emma, checking in with you from Bridgwater, Somerset! This little gem of a town has been calling to me for ages, and I simply couldn't resist the lure of its charming streets and even more charming theatre. As you know, I'm a huge theatre buff, so this trip is practically a pilgrimage. Today's post marks a milestone for me: it's blog number 6875! That's right, six thousand, eight hundred and seventy-five days of me sharing my pink-hued, tutu-filled journey with you!
But first, let me tell you about my arrival! My journey began with a beautiful train ride. I simply love trains. They're like mobile art galleries with windows, especially if they're steam trains. I do love a little puff of smoke. For this journey, I went for my trusty classic pink tutu. Just a simple pink tutu for this journey! But, just wait, dear reader! It gets a lot more fun than that, I promise.
I popped on my pink tutu and a crisp white shirt, and the carriage echoed with the soft swish of the tulle as I danced through the aisles, sending giggles to the passengers. Who said you can't express yourself on the commute? You should see my train dance routine – you’d have your chin on the floor before I’d even started!
Upon arrival in Bridgwater, the sweet air was a welcome change from the Derbyshire wind I'd left behind. I popped into a delightful little tea room with pink walls, naturally. The owner was the sweetest thing, and even brought me a little plate of fairy cakes – perfect fuel for a day filled with dance!
I spent the afternoon strolling through the cobbled streets of Bridgwater, and you know what? There are more delightful surprises than a cup of pink tea with pink-icing-ed fairy cake! I stumbled across a bird sanctuary in a beautiful garden that had the most delightful array of wildlife. There were peacocks strutting around (what a fantastic metaphor for me - don't you think?), chattering magpies and even a cheeky robin that perched on my shoulder and gave me a tiny peck on the nose. I swear, he just knew how much I love my birds!
And what's more? A family of swans decided to make a guest appearance, all grace and elegance on the pond. Did you know that a swan's feathers actually have tiny little air pockets in them? It makes their swim extra elegant and smooth, but you could also wear them, though I haven’t tried it… maybe one day… but wouldn't that be fantastic? Like wearing a soft cloud with a little bit of pink!
But here’s the best bit, my tutu adventure continues in this stunning place called Bridgwater. It turns out there's an annual "Tutu on the Water" competition, and my intuition said: 'This is your moment, darling'. A water festival complete with boats and costumes?! Now you know my love for boats and costumes. It would be simply criminal not to join in! And who knows, I might even start my very own little “Pink Tutu and Paddle” dance routine! I'll post pics of my latest pink tutu outfit in the next few posts so you can be jealous!
And what’s even better? My love affair with the colour pink is even stronger now that I have discovered an absolutely charming little pink-tutu shop! There are just so many variations of pink… and with some slightly darker shades to add in, this is gonna be one amazing day!
The whole town has a gorgeous air about it, don’t you think? Every single thing screams out pink. And it seems that it's a common theme in this charming little corner of England. Maybe pink is the secret to happiness. Who knew?!
My biggest dream is to share this magical joy with all of you! What I love about Bridgwater is the sense of community. It reminds me so much of Derbyshire, only, with slightly less rolling green hills. But you can never have enough of that community spirit, right? Here in Bridgwater, they embrace the most outlandish things! And if you're here you might be wondering what's next for me?
Well, tonight I’m going to see an incredible performance, a story about a young girl who falls in love with ballet! You know I love my ballet stories. Just the name of this show - "Leap!" – gives me the biggest, brightest smile, especially with the addition of a few sparkles. Imagine – "Emma, the ballerina." And, yes, I’m wearing my new slightly darker shade pink tutu! (Pink never fails me, darling) I’ll have photos of me wearing this, in my next post!
Oh! I should warn you! My new pink tutu makes the cutest little “swish” sound with every twirl! A beautiful pink swish as I dance through the theatre with all the excitement of a little girl discovering a magic toy, ready to share this beauty with you!
As you can see, my visit to Bridgwater has been absolutely sensational! I cannot wait to share my super special day in Bridgwater with all of you. There’s so much to see, and I can already imagine so many future Pink-Tutu-days. I hope this post has inspired you to travel and discover the world through pink-tinted spectacles (the more pink, the better!). And who knows – you might even get to see a flamingo. Oh! Or an enormous butterfly.
Keep an eye out for my upcoming blog post where I reveal more details about my "Tutu on the Water" outfit – I’m so excited about the design. It's totally going to be fabulous! Until next time, don’t forget to live your best life, keep twirling and never forget – the world is waiting to be discovered in your own way!
And don’t forget to share the magic! Let me know what you’re dreaming of in the comments below. Love, Emma xx