
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2015-09-12 in Slough with a purple tutu.

Sloughing it in Purple, Post #7010

Hey, tutu lovers! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, reporting live from... Slough! Yes, you heard that right. Slough, of all places.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Slough? Emma, what on earth are you doing there? Isn't that place a bit... dreary?"

Well, I wouldn't call it dreary, but it certainly isn't the most glamorous spot on the map. However, a dancer's life is full of surprises, and my trip to Slough was one of them!

You see, I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting ballet experiences. Whether it's a performance in the West End, a ballet class in a Parisian studio, or a street performance in a bustling city centre, I love to discover hidden gems in the world of dance.

And so it was that I found myself on a train (my preferred mode of transport, of course, as horses tend to find tutus a bit too… frilly!) bound for Slough. The reason for my journey? A performance by the incredibly talented "Slough Ballet Collective." I'd heard whispers of their vibrant, dynamic style, and my curiosity, well, let's just say it took me all the way to Slough.

The train journey was, as always, a delightful experience. I found a comfy corner, tucked into a book (currently re-reading "The Swan," absolutely obsessed with the whole Anna Pavlova era!), and spent a good deal of time sketching ideas for my new pink tutu. (Don't worry, I'll be showcasing it on the website soon!).

By the time I reached Slough, my anticipation was reaching fever pitch. As I emerged from the station, the first thing that caught my eye was a mural depicting dancers in vibrant colours against a backdrop of the Thames. I knew I was in for something special. And the murals, honestly, that's where it began. A burst of art and colour in an unassuming town. It seemed fitting that this is where I should discover such talented dancers.

The theatre itself was charming, a classic British town theatre, with red velvet seats and faded gold decorations. And that was just the perfect setting for the performances.

Slough Ballet Collective certainly did not disappoint. They moved with a fluidity and grace that left me breathless. Each movement was precise, yet expressive, telling stories through the language of dance. The stage design was inventive and playful, bringing a vibrant splash of colour to the stage.

The whole performance felt so... joyous! The dancers had this incredible energy that resonated throughout the theatre, drawing you into their world of creativity. It wasn't just a display of technique, it was a genuine celebration of art, passion, and dedication to the craft. There were a few hiccups, yes, with an unfortunate sound system glitch and one rogue shoe in the "Pas de Quatre," but those are just small glitches in the glorious flow of such powerful dancing.

And here's what struck me most about the evening. While the dancing was technically brilliant, the heart and soul of the performance resonated from the genuine joy each dancer expressed on stage. They clearly loved what they were doing, and that enthusiasm was infectious. It's exactly that joy, the joy of the performance, which brings so much happiness and fulfillment.

But of course, I couldn't just sit there and absorb it all. I'm a dancer myself, and my heart started itching to join in! So after the show, I did something I rarely do: I walked up to the dancers and introduced myself.

I learned that the company is relatively new, a passion project born out of a shared love for ballet. They have ambitions for the future, including touring nationwide and maybe even crossing over to the West End! They are driven, committed, and, frankly, incredibly talented. I know I will be following their careers closely!

It felt so good to meet these dancers and hear about their passion for ballet. This really is an opportunity for people of all ages to experience the sheer beauty and magic of the art form. I can't say enough how important it is that we encourage children, adults, everybody, to get out there, join a class, and dance!

After our chat, I stayed around to mingle with the other theatregoers. The energy in the room was electric, filled with conversations about the show, the artistry, and the talent of the dancers. You know, it's moments like these that truly make me realise why I love ballet so much.

This whole trip reminded me that beauty and artistry exist in the most unexpected places. You can find wonder and inspiration even in a town like Slough, if you just open your eyes and heart to it.

And maybe, just maybe, even Slough might find itself dancing under a pink tutu! After all, it's never too late to try something new, and everyone has the right to feel the joy of dance in their lives.

That's it from me today! Tune in tomorrow for my adventures in… well, that's a secret for now, but I promise, it'll be tutu-licious!

Stay pink,


#TutuBlog 2015-09-12 in Slough with a purple tutu.