Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-02-25 in Wigston Magna with a fluffy tutu.

Wigston Magna Whirlwind: Tutu Tales #7176

Oh, my darlings! You wouldn't believe the adventures I've had in Wigston Magna! This quaint little town, nestled in the heart of Leicestershire, has captured my heart and twirled me into a ballet-filled fairytale.

This trip, I decided to take a leap of faith (pun intended!) and travelled to Wigston Magna by train, the most wonderful way to travel! You see, sitting by the window, watching the countryside whizz by, gets me in the mood for creativity. The rhythm of the wheels against the tracks sets my imagination alight with swirling tutus and dazzling dance moves.

Arriving in Wigston Magna, I felt the magic of this place settle over me like a soft, pink feather boa. It's one of those towns that seems to breathe its own unique energy – vibrant, kind and welcoming, just like the locals who greeted me with such warm smiles. It was like stepping into a vintage film, filled with charm and nostalgia.

My mission, you ask? To spread the Tutu love! My fluffy, pink tutu, shimmering with glitter and dreams, became my travelling companion. Of course, a trip like this wouldn't be complete without visiting the Wigston Magna Library. After all, every well-respected ballerina needs a good book for inspiration, and there's nothing quite like the scent of aged paper and stories. They had the most charming little corner dedicated to children's literature. I felt the urge to sit and read them all, particularly the classic fairy tales. Who needs a magical forest when you have books about unicorns and princesses?

But Wigston Magna held more than just stories for me; it had the most divine, little artisan shop selling hand-made pottery. The lady, with twinkling eyes and the brightest pink nails you could imagine, explained to me that every piece was inspired by the natural beauty of the area, particularly the squirrels! Now, we all know my fondness for wildlife (remember my recent trip to Derbyshire to feed the red squirrels? Ah, the joy!), so needless to say, I left the shop with the most darling miniature squirrel teapot, a new fluffy pink scarf to ward off the winter chills and the happiest smile.

This beautiful, bustling market town with its picturesque cobbled streets and traditional shops is simply divine! Imagine: a perfect day spent browsing local crafts, nibbling on a delicate cupcake (sprinkled with a dusting of pink sugar, of course), then taking in the warmth of the setting sun over the countryside. And what’s more magical than a horse-drawn carriage taking you through the heart of this fairytale town?

I even had the pleasure of popping into the Wigston Magna Museum. It was fascinating to discover the history of this area, learn about its past and present inhabitants. The town is actually the site of the Battle of Wigston Magna in 1470 – just imagine! It's also a thriving hub for creativity and dance. They have this local ballet school tucked away, which brought me straight back to my childhood memories of practicing en pointe in my own little pink paradise. I had to just sneak a peek into a lesson and I was instantly transported to a magical world, full of passion and elegance.

This entire experience has left me brimming with ideas for future blog posts. Perhaps a piece about the history of Wigston Magna's beautiful architecture, maybe even a ballet routine inspired by the local flora and fauna! Or maybe a tutorial on how to incorporate pink into your everyday wardrobe (who says you can’t wear a tutu with your jeans and a leather jacket? winks).

And of course, no journey to Wigston Magna is complete without indulging in a slice of delicious, locally made cake. It's like a slice of heaven in your mouth!

But above all, Wigston Magna has inspired me to dream bigger. It's reminded me why I embarked on this amazing adventure with my tutu: to encourage everyone, everywhere to wear a touch of pink and discover the joy of dance. Because let’s face it, life’s a dance – so let's all twirl in style, together.

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures from me and my ever-present pink tutu, darlings!

Remember, you can follow all my adventures on my blog at www.pink-tutu.com. Keep twirling!

Lots of love and pixie dust, Emma xo

#TutuBlog 2016-02-25 in Wigston Magna with a fluffy tutu.