
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-02-24 in Trowbridge with a heavy tutu.

Trowbridge Twirls: Post 7175

Oh my darlings! It's your girl Emma, back from another delightful adventure and absolutely brimming with stories! You know I just can't resist a good travel tale, and this one, oh, it's a real corker!

This week saw me whisked away to the charming town of Trowbridge in Wiltshire. A quaint little place steeped in history, which always gives me such a warm and fuzzy feeling. This trip, however, wasn't just about soaking up the atmosphere (although, I did manage to find a sweet little tea shop with the most exquisite china cups). No, this trip was all about the magic of the dance!

You see, dear readers, Trowbridge is home to the most darling little ballet school - the Trowbridge Academy of Ballet. A true gem nestled amidst the cobbled streets and charming cottages. I was simply besotted with it! It reminded me so much of my own early days at the Derbyshire Dance Academy, that I nearly burst into tears! (Not a pretty sight with a pink tutu on, I can tell you!).

But enough about my mushy sentimental side, let's get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we? This trip wasn't just about reminiscing; I actually had the sheer joy of teaching a workshop!

My dear friends, if you ever have the chance to teach aspiring ballerinas, do it. There's something about nurturing young talent that truly fills your cup. The sheer joy on those little faces when they finally grasp a difficult turn, the way their eyes sparkle as they get lost in the rhythm of the dance, it simply warms the soul.

Of course, no trip to a new place is complete without exploring. So, I traded my ballet shoes for my trusty walking boots and went on a delightful wander around the town. I was captivated by the architecture โ€“ grand, historical buildings boasting charming facades and quirky little shops overflowing with delights. There's something so magical about discovering the little treasures hidden away in small towns.

As if the architecture wasn't enough, I also encountered a flurry of adorable wildlife! It was almost as if Trowbridge was conspiring to put me in the most delightful mood! Imagine my delight when I stumbled across a playful fox family enjoying a picnic in the local park. Such mischievous creatures, darting around with a joyful abandon that quite honestly left me speechless. And then there were the swans gliding gracefully across the canals, their majestic white forms reflecting the late afternoon sunlight - such a graceful sight!

Oh, and let's not forget about the local food! My love for a good homemade pie knows no bounds, and Trowbridge delivered! The aroma wafting from the bakery filled the air, beckoning me to step inside and indulge. I couldn't resist the creamy apple crumble topped with a delicious, gooey custard, and oh, let me tell you, it was a revelation!

My adventure in Trowbridge wouldn't be complete without sharing a bit of my love for dance with the locals. I found a small cafe nestled in the heart of the town, their window overlooking a busy street scene, and, inspired by the surrounding chaos and beauty, I decided to bust out a little impromptu ballet performance right there on the street.

You wouldn't believe the reaction! People stopped, traffic slowed down, and for those brief moments, everyone was captivated by the artistry and elegance of the dance. The smiles, the gasps, the genuine delight on those faces - it was a real affirmation that the power of ballet transcends time, age, and place.

Now, dear readers, I want you to take something away from my story: the magic of dance is something that we can all experience, whether it's through professional shows or simply taking a dance class, stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing the grace within us all. And if you want to go that extra mile (like me), try adding a dash of colour to your life with a fabulous pink tutu! You'll never regret it, I promise.

Oh, and don't forget to share your stories with me! I would love to hear all about your adventures, especially those involving pink tutus, dance, and delightful surprises. Stay fabulous, my dear readers!

Love and tutus, Emma

Don't forget to follow my adventures and find even more inspiring posts on my website: www.pink-tutu.com ! And please, don't be shy, tell me all about your life in the comments section! I would love to hear what you have been up to and what excites you about the world of ballet.

#TutuBlog 2016-02-24 in Trowbridge with a heavy tutu.