Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-02 in Coulsdon with a cyan tutu.

Coulsdon Calling: Pink Tutu Adventures Continue!

Post number 7213

Helloooo, my gorgeous ballet bunnies! Emma here, back from a whirlwind adventure to the delightful town of Coulsdon, Surrey. You know me, always seeking out new and exciting places to spin, leap, and prance in my trusty pink tutu. Today, however, things were a little different – a splash of colour, if you will!

Now, you've all seen me in my signature pink tutu. It's my go-to for ballet class, street performances, theatre, everything! But today, I was feeling adventurous. The Coulsdon air held a certain electric buzz, a call for something unexpected. And what better way to answer that call than with a tutu in the most fabulous colour? That's right, darlings – I embraced my inner turquoise fairy and danced in a cyan tutu!

Oh, it was so exhilarating! I can't tell you how many smiles I got from people as I twirled around the streets. Even the pigeons seemed to approve, cooing and fluttering their wings with appreciation! A group of schoolchildren, all dressed in their smart uniforms, even stopped to watch me do a couple of pirouettes. One little girl said, "You look like a beautiful mermaid, miss!" It just made my day, darling! I believe she's destined for a life on stage.

Speaking of stages, I saw the most spectacular performance at the Coulsdon Theatre this evening! It was a ballet adaptation of “The Secret Garden,” and it took me straight back to my childhood dreams. I found myself enchanted, and there was not a dry eye in the entire theatre. The costumes, the set design, the incredible dancers, it was a real feast for the senses. Afterwards, I took a little detour, feeling the need to dance out all the magical energy from the show. I popped into the Coulsdon Old Vicarage, a place brimming with history. I let my imagination soar as I spun and twirled through the halls. This place whispered stories of times past, a fascinating combination of Victorian and Elizabethan influences.

You might wonder what motivated my spontaneous day trip to Coulsdon. Well, it's all thanks to my beloved railway system! I must confess, there's nothing quite like hopping aboard a train with a hot cuppa in hand, gazing out the window as the countryside whizzes by. This time, the train took me to the picturesque "Bluebell Railway", a beautiful preserved heritage line running from Sheffield Park to East Grinstead. Imagine, a vintage train winding its way through the scenic landscapes, carrying passengers like myself on a magical journey back in time. It was such a romantic adventure!

The Bluebell Railway wasn't just about the charming journey though. They held a 'Countryside Festival' celebrating the British countryside's biodiversity. Now, I may be a tutu-clad dancer, but I’m also a big fan of nature! Seeing all the adorable critters, hearing the birds sing their hearts out, and feeling the cool breeze rustle my cyan tutu – well, it was just glorious!

Oh, the day had even more in store. You know how much I adore a good equine adventure? Well, after exploring Coulsdon’s countryside with my four-legged friends at the “Woldingham Stables," I felt completely exhilarated! It's always an adventure with those amazing steeds!

Coulsdon, you've been a total delight. From your vibrant green spaces to your theatrical treasures, you've filled my heart with joy. You've reminded me that magic and adventure are found everywhere, waiting to be discovered. I can’t wait for my next pink tutu adventure! Perhaps it will be a trip to the Cotswolds, or maybe a spin around the city centre of Bristol.

But for now, I leave you with a piece of my Coulsdon magic: A new dream – to see everyone, everyone rocking a pink tutu at least once in their lives! And remember, my darling readers, ballet isn't just a graceful art form. It's an experience that can lift your spirits, make you smile, and bring you joy. I hope I've inspired you to embrace your inner dancer! Keep spinning, my friends, and remember, there's a little bit of pink tutu magic in all of us.

See you on www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow for another fun-filled adventure!

Until next time,


#TutuBlog 2016-04-02 in Coulsdon with a cyan tutu.