Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-05 in Bishop Auckland with a yellow tutu.

Bishop Auckland Calling! #TutuBlog 7216

Hello, my darlings! It’s Emma here, and boy, do I have a story to tell you!

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of rehearsals, performance jitters, and endless mugs of steaming hot chocolate to warm me up after freezing mornings in the studio. But amidst it all, the excitement was bubbling over like a fizzy pink champagne, because, you guessed it – a tutu-ful adventure awaited!

It all started with an invite to perform at the Bishop Auckland Town Hall. A new ballet company is popping up, and the organisers were keen to get some “experienced” faces on stage. Now, who could say no to that?! And with a performance right in the heart of Durham, where my family's ancestral home lies (did I ever tell you I'm secretly related to some very posh earls?)... I was already imagining myself swirling across the stage, my yellow tutu shimmering under the spotlights.

This journey wasn’t just about the performance. It was a chance to escape the hustle of city life. As I hopped on the train, Derbyshire saying its breezy goodbyes through the carriage windows, I felt that familiar wave of freedom. Trains, you see, are my ultimate mode of transport. There's something so enchanting about watching the world zoom past as I sip my chamomile tea and admire the rolling hills and sleepy villages flitting by.

And who says I have to leave my four-legged friend, Percy, at home?! Sometimes, when I need a change of pace, I'll saddle him up and we'll take to the open countryside. Nothing beats the feeling of the wind in your hair, and Percy, with his handsome coat as shiny as my pink shoes, loves to race alongside me.

Anyway, back to the story! We arrived in Bishop Auckland and I was instantly smitten. I’m a bit of a sucker for charming old towns with cobbled streets and quaint cafes - all those charming English idiosyncrasies you just don't find in the big smoke! I spent the morning exploring the local area. The castle was amazing, its stone walls standing strong against the crisp April air. You can always tell a real princess is near, just look at how beautifully preserved the castles always are!

The real excitement began later in the day though. The town hall was resplendent in Victorian glory - an absolute stunner! As the final rehearsals took place, I could hear the buzz of anticipation, and the feeling of “We're in this together!” The air was filled with music, the stage crew bustled about, and the excited murmur of fellow dancers filled every nook and cranny of the hall.

And you know what? I’m not ashamed to admit that I’d even gotten a little emotional before stepping onto that stage. It was like stepping back into the past, a magical world filled with grace, and beautiful movements.

And of course, my fabulous yellow tutu did not disappoint! You can see photos from the show over on the blog later today – I swear I can actually hear your ooh-ing and ah-ing from here! There are certain times in your life that really hit you like a beautifully executed pirouette, leaving you feeling invigorated and absolutely bursting with life – this performance was one of them! I twirled and danced with a smile on my face, feeling the energy of the crowd ripple around me, their cheers like a beautiful crescendo to our story.

After the performance, a celebratory dinner was the perfect ending. There’s nothing better than a glass of fizzy pink (we're on holiday remember!) and a warm plate of comfort food to re-energise after a long and fabulous performance!

So here’s the thing - when I tell you to follow your dreams and step outside of your comfort zone, I mean it. Take a chance. Book that train ticket, don your tutu, and dance like no one’s watching! Trust me, it’s the best feeling in the world.

I'll be back next week with even more pink tutu adventures, because a dancer’s journey, just like a dancer’s life, never ends.

Sending you all the love and light, and encouraging you to spread the joy,

Emma xxx

(P.S. I almost forgot, while I was wandering through the countryside I met the most adorable family of fox cubs, so cute and playful. It was the most beautiful encounter. Don’t forget to let your inner ballerina shine and find your inner wildness. You never know what kind of joy and excitement a day of travel will bring.)

#TutuBlog 2016-04-05 in Bishop Auckland with a yellow tutu.