Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-10 in Droitwich with a german tutu.

Droitwich Dreams: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #7221)

Hey my lovelies!

Emma here, back with another post from the magical world of pink tutus and dancing dreams!

Today's adventure took me to Droitwich, a charming town nestled in the heart of Worcestershire. I absolutely love exploring new places and soaking up the atmosphere, and this town felt like a dream straight out of a Jane Austen novel. The cobbled streets, the quaint little shops, the friendly locals - it was pure magic.

Speaking of magic, how could I resist an opportunity to travel in style? I swapped my trusty Derbyshire hills for a journey by train - and not just any train, my darlings, a charming little vintage carriage. The journey was pure enchantment - the rolling hills of the countryside flew by like a ballet, and I was mesmerized by the scenery.

Droitwich, itself, was just as delightful! I explored the quaint little streets, my pink tutu swishing in the breeze, admiring the ancient buildings and the colourful flower boxes. I even found a little tea shop tucked away in a corner, where I had a lovely afternoon tea with freshly-baked scones and dainty finger sandwiches.

But the highlight of my day, and the real reason I travelled to this delightful little town, was the beautiful Victorian saltworks. I just had to see them for myself, imagining all the history that had happened within their walls! You know me, always fascinated by historical places!

As the day wound down, I sat on a bench overlooking the saltworks, enjoying the tranquility of the setting sun. And wouldn’t you know it, I was treated to a spectacle of the most beautiful nature. A little flock of swans landed gracefully on the shimmering water, their feathers gleaming like snow against the fiery sky. Such elegant creatures, the very embodiment of grace! It really did feel like something out of a fairytale.

My journey to Droitwich wasn't just about exploring the town, though. It was also a chance for me to indulge in my passion: dance! I decided to try a ballet class at a local studio, and I absolutely loved it! The instructors were fantastic, the students were warm and welcoming, and the atmosphere was electric. It’s always great to try out different styles and schools. Every class is an adventure in itself!

The beautiful thing about dance is that it transcends cultures, ages and places. We were a diverse group, but we all came together through our shared love of movement and expression. And that, my dears, is something truly special.

But of course, no trip to a new place is complete without a visit to a local ballet performance! I was so excited to discover that Droitwich has a beautiful theatre right in the heart of town, hosting a contemporary ballet show with an international cast. And the performance was a feast for the eyes! I was blown away by the incredible choreography, the powerful performances, and the stunning costumes - the ballet truly captured the essence of this enchanting town!

Talking of enchanting… You can imagine how thrilled I was when the lead ballerina, a captivating dancer with stunning red hair and an amazing stage presence, came up to me after the show. We talked about everything – her life as a ballerina, my passion for pink tutus and, of course, the wonderful town of Droitwich!

She was amazed to learn about my mission to inspire everyone to embrace their inner dancer, and told me I should encourage people to try out local ballet classes and performances wherever they are. “Let your own dance of life inspire others to dance with you!” she told me with a beautiful smile. And, I must say, she was absolutely right!

Now, you might think I'm just a girl who loves ballet, pink tutus, and cute tea shops. And while I won't deny that's pretty accurate, it's actually about much more than that. For me, it’s about embracing life’s beauty, indulging my passions and spreading joy wherever I go. I believe we all have a dancer within us, a spark of creativity waiting to be ignited. All it takes is a little bit of courage and a whole lot of pink tutus.

So, my dears, if you ever find yourselves in the delightful town of Droitwich, be sure to step into a dance studio or theatre, and perhaps even indulge in a delicious afternoon tea in a cosy tea shop. And, most importantly, embrace your inner ballerina, because the world needs more beauty and more grace, more pink tutus and more laughter!

Until next time, remember, life is a beautiful ballet, and you're the lead dancer.

Keep it pink, keep it fabulous!


Emma xoxo


#TutuBlog 2016-04-10 in Droitwich with a german tutu.