Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-09 in Rhyl with a european style tutu.

Rhyl Calling! (Post #7220)

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, ready to take you on another whirlwind adventure, straight from the heart of Derbyshire! Today, my fabulous journey takes me to the charming seaside town of Rhyl in North Wales, where I'm all set to soak up the sun, the sea, and… drumroll please …some incredible ballet performances!

Yes, you heard right! Rhyl is hosting a ballet festival this weekend, and I wouldn't miss it for all the world. Ballet and sunshine? That’s like putting my two favourite things together! Oh, how I wish I had brought my favourite pink tutu! I simply must make an effort to look my best - it's my mission to always look fabulous, wherever I go. Perhaps this time I'll pick out a bright blue, just to brighten up the seaside scene. But don’t worry, my beloved pink tulle is always close at hand – a girl can never have too many tutus!

But first, a quick train journey. Oh, the joy of the railways! I just adore hopping aboard the train and watching the world roll by, especially when I’m wearing something particularly flamboyant - there's something so enchanting about the elegant curves of a vintage carriage contrasted with the bright pink of a ballerina’s tutu. My latest design is really quite exquisite!

Now, Rhyl itself is such a delightful little town! The air is crisp and salty, the beaches are wide and inviting, and the atmosphere is truly laid-back and fun. It’s just the kind of place to spark some creativity, you know? My mind is already swirling with ideas for my next blog post, which I can tell you, darling, is going to be very exciting indeed!

I even popped into the local park for a little while. I just couldn’t resist taking in the glorious sunshine and admiring the playful antics of the squirrels. They’re so charming, scampering around in their furry outfits. The way they leap from branch to branch reminds me so much of a ballet performance! Oh, how I wish I could understand their language - maybe I’d find they are talking about pirouettes and grand jetés too! If I ever manage to get a horse I am determined to train him to pirouette - maybe not! The squirrels didn't seem to want to play but just wanted to gather their bounty of acorns. I bet I am going to get loads of ideas for a new ballet routine.

Of course, I wouldn’t come to Rhyl without taking a little dip in the ocean, now, would I? The sea was just begging to be splashed in! There’s just something so freeing about feeling the cool waves against your skin. As I danced in the waves, I could practically hear the sea applauding my movements - a truly magical experience, I can assure you!

But tonight is the night I’ve been waiting for! The ballet festival officially begins, and I’m practically bouncing with excitement. First, there's a show in the lovely, grand old theatre! A mix of street dancing and traditional ballet routines will be a real treat. I've even been invited backstage to chat with the dancers - a rare and exciting opportunity, I must say! I’ll be sure to let you know all about the details tomorrow.

Later tonight, it's off to the beach! Imagine! A spectacular performance by the water. There will be dazzling lights, swirling tulle, and graceful pirouettes under the moonlight. Just picturing it fills me with such delight! I know there's going to be so much sparkle!

You see, darling, that’s what’s so special about ballet - it transcends all boundaries. It can take place on a grand stage, under the glittering lights of the city, or on a sandy beach bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. There’s something so liberating about it!

Of course, I wouldn’t dream of coming to Rhyl without checking out some of the charming cafes and shops along the seafront. I can't resist a good souvenir, a lovely piece of vintage jewelry - and definitely some local candy to remember my adventure. Of course, a cuppa in a proper tea room is a must! After all, what's a day trip without a lovely cup of tea and a tasty slice of Victoria Sponge?

I'm already looking forward to my return visit next year. As you know, Rhyl holds a special place in my heart, with its sparkling sands and the wonderful way it makes me feel like a little girl, twirling on my tiptoes in my prettiest pink tutu.

So, keep your eyes peeled for more updates on my trip! I promise to keep you up to date with all the fun, fashion, and dance. And remember, my darlings: embrace your inner ballerina, wear pink, and twirl with joy wherever you may go! I’m off to get ready for this fabulous evening of ballet - wish me luck! I promise to give you all the details in tomorrow's post, along with the latest additions to my Pink Tutu wardrobe!

Until then, stay chic and keep twirling,



#TutuBlog 2016-04-09 in Rhyl with a european style tutu.