Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2016-04-14 in London with a cyan tutu.

London Calling: A Cyan Dream in the City

Post #7225

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-obsessed ballerina, here, and guess what? I'm back in London! This time, I've brought a special guest star – a stunning cyan tutu.

Remember when I was saying that I needed a bit of colour in my life? Well, this tutu is everything! It's like a summer sky, sparkling and bright, and I just knew I had to wear it while exploring the capital.

But first, let's talk about my journey! Because what's a ballet dancer's trip to London without a little bit of glamour? I decided to ditch the train and hop onto a beautiful white steed instead! Yes, you heard right, a horse.

The ride from my home in Derbyshire was absolutely breathtaking. Rolling hills, wildflowers dancing in the wind, and the gentle clip-clop of hooves – it was truly a fairy tale come to life. And let's face it, who doesn't feel like a princess in a tutu riding a horse?

So, finally, I reached London, and oh my goodness, this city just never fails to amaze! As soon as I stepped out of the cab, I was surrounded by buzzing energy – people rushing everywhere, the sounds of music echoing down the streets, and the iconic red double-decker buses, of course!

But before I indulged in London's vibrant nightlife, I decided to do a bit of sightseeing. My first stop was the British Museum, where I marvelled at the amazing historical artefacts, including a truly breathtaking Egyptian mummy! Now, I've seen my fair share of mummies in my time, but this one just blew me away with its exquisite details.

Of course, no trip to London is complete without a visit to the iconic Covent Garden. The colourful stalls, the delicious smells of fresh produce, the buskers, the street performers – it truly is a sight to behold!

And wouldn't you know it, they even had a mini ballet performance going on. Naturally, I joined in, a twirling whirlwind of cyan loveliness amongst the surprised audience! I must admit, dancing on a London street is an experience unlike any other. The city's rhythm becomes your own, every turn echoing with the spirit of London itself.

But it's not all tutus and twirls, dear readers. After my day of explorations, it was time to find the perfect place to enjoy the vibrant city's nightlife. With my cyan tutu catching the lights like a thousand twinkling stars, I felt like a true princess, ready to conquer London’s entertainment scene.

I found myself in the heart of Soho, and let me tell you, this neighbourhood was absolutely electric! The music, the laughter, the sheer energy – it was intoxicating!

And guess what else? A street artist was sketching portraits, so I had to get myself a little something to commemorate the evening! It turned out absolutely incredible – a stunning portrait of me with my tutu, swirling against a backdrop of the London skyline. Talk about a perfect keepsake!

My London adventures continued into the following day, where I joined a masterclass with the renowned ballet dancer, Sophia Thompson. Now, if you know me, you know I live for a good ballet class, and Sophia's class was a dream come true! Her precision, passion, and grace just took my breath away!

We learned a new routine that involved intricate footwork and graceful leaps, and by the end, I was practically levitating! I may not be a professional, but I sure do love to move and groove, and there’s something magical about losing yourself in a ballet class, the world melting away around you.

After class, I was feeling full of inspiration and a touch hungry, so naturally, I treated myself to a scrumptious afternoon tea at one of London's famous tea rooms. I opted for the "Pink Tea", of course, with rose-infused everything - from the sandwiches to the delicious scones and decadent pastries. It was pure heaven, and I'm sure you can guess what I paired it with… my cyan tutu, naturally!

But the true highlight of my London adventure was yet to come.

That night, I headed to the Royal Opera House to watch a performance of “Swan Lake”. I am a huge fan of Tchaikovsky’s score, and I’m always mesmerized by the story of Odette and Siegfried.

I mean, imagine, the classic ballet set in a beautifully staged world of pure drama, romance, and, of course, swans! I've been captivated by this story since I was a child, and this performance truly lived up to my dreams. It was an absolutely spellbinding spectacle.

It's easy to get caught up in the drama of the performance and admire the artistry, but I also get really inspired by the behind-the-scenes efforts – the set design, the choreography, the costumes – and not just those of the main dancers, but everyone who is part of this amazing world!

As I was making my way out of the theatre, feeling like I'd just entered another realm and left with a touch of magic, a young girl in a pink tutu asked me for a picture.

It reminded me of what I aim to do with my life. I want to make ballet accessible and inspiring for everyone! I want to get everyone wearing tutus and experiencing the joy of movement. And you know what? Maybe one day, I'll even see a show at the Royal Opera House with a cyan tutu centre stage.

Stay tuned for more London adventures, darling! And as always, never forget to wear your tutus, embrace your inner princess, and let your imagination take you anywhere!

Until next time!

Lots of love, Emma


#TutuBlog 2016-04-14 in London with a cyan tutu.